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Send Customized Data When Exporting Chart

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I need to send customized data when exporting chart. For example, there is an text area let the user input something. When exporting chart to Image/PDF, this text will be printed in the Image/PDF. How to send this text to server side when exporting chart? I know if the chart is rendered by javascript, I could modify the function exportChart to post any data to server side. But how to do it if it is rendered by flash?



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Guest Sumedh



The feature which you are trying to implement is not supported in FusionCharts.


Thanks for your time and support.

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Hi Tristan,


I was just crawling through your requirement and I think I can pass on to you an easter-egg. :rolleyes:


You can pass a custom value through the XML/JSON data of the chart to the server-side export handler.


The secret attribute is : exportParameters in <chart> element. You can pass any string as its value.



<chart  exportEnabled='1' exportParameters='5 May' exportAtClient='0' exportHandler='../ExportHandler/FCExporter.php' >


You can also pass the value for this parameter or override the parameters already defined in the XML while calling exportChart function.




FusionCharts("myChartID").exportChart( { "exportFormat": exportFormat, "exportParameters": "31 March" } );


NOTE: This data is passed to the server-side export handler, but it does not make any use of the value. It is kept for future use. You need to retrieve this value and modify the export handler code to make use of the value. The exportParameters along with the other export properties are serialized into a string of pipe separated items (name=value pairs like "exportformat=JPG|exportaction=SAVE|exportparameters=31 March...") and passed through a querystring variable named "parameters". This data is de-serialised in of of the Export Handlers for your easy access.


Hope this helps!


Happy FusionCharting!






The export handlers seHowever, the existing Export Handlers does not use it for any purpose.

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