
Fusion Chart Basic

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I am new in fusion chart. From the documentation I come to know that .swf file is required to plot chart. Suppose I want to plot Column3D then Column3D.swf file is required. I do not want chart in Flash. I want chart in


javascript only. So still .swf file is required. ? How can i plot chart using java script and json. ? Can you guide me.?

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Guest Bindhu



Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum :)


.swf files are required if you wish to render Flash charts only.


For JavaScript mode of rendering, .swf files are not required.


For more details on 'Using JavaScript (HTML5) renderer', please refer to the link below,



Apart from XML, FusionCharts XT can also accept JSON data format. It can use a JSON URL/feed, a JSON Object (in JavaScript) or JSON String. This functionality is provided by FusionCharts.js JavaScript class.


For more details on 'Using JSON as data source', please refer to the link below,



Hope this helps!

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.swf files are required if you wish to render Flash charts only.


For JavaScript mode of rendering, .swf files are not required.


For more details on 'Using JavaScript (HTML5) renderer', please refer to the link below,




The procedure (removing the '.swf') expressed in the above link does not work for all browsers.  


Does not render charts in Google Chrome version 27.0.1453.116


Using the alternate method results in same outcome. Not working in Chrome.

Alternate:  FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript')


The charts work as expected in Safari and Firefox. 


Is there an estimate as to when this feature will work in Google Chrome. 


thank you.

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It works for Google Chrome too.


However, if you have been Data URL method (provide data to chart from files or streams) to provide chart data. Many browsers restrict JavaScript from accessing local file system owing to security reasons. The JavaScript charts, when running locally, will not be able to access data provided as a URL.


If you run the files from a server, it will run absolutely fine, as the data is then read and streamed by the server, without the need for JavaScript to directly access local file system. When running locally, however, if you provide the data as string (using the Data String method), it works fine.


Hope this helps.

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