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Why Do Not Automatically Resize

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Why do not automatically resize??


window.onresize = function () {
           var _pos = Utility.getBodyPos();

           var _page_Content_Panel_Width = _pos.clientWidth - 38;

           document.getElementById("li_01_content_day_daily_normal_chart").style.width = (_page_Content_Panel_Width * 1.000 / 2) + "px";
           document.getElementById("li_01_content_day_grand_total_chart").style.width = (_page_Content_Panel_Width * 1.000 / 2) + "px";

           document.getElementById("li_01_content_day_daily_normal_table").style.width = (_page_Content_Panel_Width * 1.000 / 2) + "px";
           document.getElementById("li_01_content_day_grand_total_table").style.width = (_page_Content_Panel_Width * 1.000 / 2) + "px";


           var _chartReference_Day_Daily = FusionCharts("day_daily_chart_id");
           var _chartReference_Grand_Total = FusionCharts("day_grand_chart_id");

           if (_chartReference_Day_Daily) {
               //_chartReference_Day_Daily.resizeTo("100%", "100%"); // Why do not automatically resize??
               _chartReference_Day_Daily.resizeTo((_page_Content_Panel_Width * 1.000 / 2), "100%");// Why do not automatically resize??
           if (_chartReference_Grand_Total) {
               //_chartReference_Grand_Total.resizeTo("100%", "100%");// Why do not automatically resize??

               _chartReference_Grand_Total.resizeTo((_page_Content_Panel_Width * 1.000 / 2), "100%");// Why do not automatically resize??

function fillingChart() {
           chartDayDailyXml = getChartXml("日日发生额", "DAY");
           chartGrandTotalXml = getChartXml("日别累计(当月)", "MON");

               var chart_Day_Daily = new FusionCharts("Utility/FusionCharts/Charts/MSCombiDY2D_Day_Daily.swf", "day_daily_chart_id", "100%", "100%", "0", "1");

               var chart_Grand_Total = new FusionCharts("Utility/FusionCharts/Charts/MSCombiDY2D_Grand_Total.swf", "day_grand_chart_id", "100%", "100%", "0", "1");



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