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Fusion Charts & Fusion Widget On The Same Page Display Problem (On Html5)

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Hi there,


I am right now facing some issue with my sample chart website (using the demo provided by your website - as of version for april 2013).

My intention is wanna display those charts (Fusion Charts & Fusion Widget) on mobile/browser that did not support the flash on their platform.


The problem that i am facing is some chart did not displayed (especially for the fusion widget). For your info I use the fusioncharts.js file (that is included with fusion chart XT demo) & put in in the code behind.


below is the sample link :


I did try to put the fusioncharts.js (for fusion widget) on the code behind, the fusion widget able to be displayed, but not able to display the fusion chart.


what problem that I am facing right now? Is it there some differences between the *.js file provided for fusion charts & fusion widget?

is there any better way to overcome this issue?


reply ASAP


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Hi there,


I am right now facing some issue with my sample chart website (using the demo provided by your website - as of version for april 2013).

My intention is wanna display those charts (Fusion Charts & Fusion Widget) on mobile/browser that did not support the flash on their platform.


The problem that i am facing is some chart did not displayed (especially for the fusion widget). For your info I use the fusioncharts.js file (that is included with fusion chart XT demo) & put in in the code behind.


below is the sample link :


I did try to put the fusioncharts.js (for fusion widget) on the code behind, the fusion widget able to be displayed, but not able to display the fusion chart.


what problem that I am facing right now? Is it there some differences between the *.js file provided for fusion charts & fusion widget?

is there any better way to overcome this issue?


reply ASAP



Please note that you did not provide any data (<set> element) for the Pie 3D and the Column 3D charts that you are trying to render, hence, the charts are displaying "No data to display" message as expected.


Could you please try using the modified XML mentioned below and see if this resolves the issue?


<chart caption="Breakdown of Logistic cost in Euro for 0" xAxisName="Monthly" yAxisName="" numberPrefix="Euro" showValues="0">
  <set label="" value=""/>
    <line startValue="1500.00" color="009933" displayvalue="Target"/>

Hope this helps. :)

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