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count columns of data in access database

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Oops, I meant counting rows of data. I've got an access database that has 7 columns and over 45,000 rows of data.  I'm trying to figure out how to use fusion charts to work like a pivot chart in excel.  I think I'd use the data url method.... becuase I want the xml generated from the countif query.  I want to count the number of values that meet a particular filter/query.  For instance, I want to count the number of sytems that transferred files per month.  Then I want to drill down per system for a particular month.  Then I want to see the type of file per system transferred per day.  Lastly, I would want to see historical monthly views of my systems so I can see trends.  My data base has all the necessary columns of data to function as a pivot chart, but now I want to present this on the web.  My access database also has all the tables i.e. months, days, systems, types.  The guides for this application don't present this kind of info. 


Edited by Guest

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So, I'm reading this forum... Fusion Gadgets v3 can perform a drill down and do a data get / dynamic data query at the second level, correct?  So if I wanted to simulate a pivot table from thousands of data rows, then I would need to use Fusion Gadgets?

Edited by Guest

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Almost all charts and gedgets and maps can perform Drilldown. You ca ngo through our online Demos from where you can definitely get an idea. Out Blueprint demo almost match your specifications.

You can download them from our download pages.

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