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scrollcolumn2d issues

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Is there a way to display a single series data with a scroll column 2d chart? right now, if i use a column2d chart, and have many bars, the bar just shrinks. I want it to scroll and maintain a fixed size for the bar.




I also tried using the scrollcolumn2d as a workaround with only 1 legend item. but still it wont scroll. it only scrolls when you have many legend items.




Is there any way around this issue?







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It would scroll if you have many data items not many datasets. You can set the number of columns to be on current display using numVisiblePlot attribute. This attribute lets you control how the number of columns to show in the visible area of the scroll pane.

For example, if you're plotting a chart with plot 30 columns, and you wish to show only 10 columns in the visible area, set this attribute as 10. You would now see only 10 columns in the chart - rest of the columns would be visible upon scrolling.

If you want to show all the columns on the chart irrespective of the number of data points in your XML data document, set this attribute as 0.

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