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Tooltext Display on anchors not formatted correctly

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We are an existing customer of Fusion Charts. We are in process of moving to the XT version so that we can make use of the javascript charts for iPad (in our hosted solution).


We were using FC_MSScatter.swf earlier and with the new version switched to Scatter.awf


Noticed an issue with the tooltext (When we hover over an anchor/ data point in the Scatter graph, it shows some information, I believe it's called tooltext, please bear with me if that's a wrong term).


It should show up like (in our current version of Fusioncharts that uses FC_MSScatter it worked correctly):


$90.00 USD
ServerTech Inc. (...


But in XT version (Flash on Desktop and js on iPad) it shows up this instead:




Please see the attached


Also, for your reference, here's the bit from XML (we use setXMLData):


<dataset drawline='1' anchorbgcolor='#A52A2A' linealpha='100' color='#A52A2A' seriesname=''>

  <set tooltext='%2490.00+USD%0D9%3A23%3A46%0DServerTech+Inc.+%28...' y='90.0' x='1395375826000'>








How do I fix this on both flash and js version with XT?

How do I hide the tooltext once user has seen it? On desktop you just take the mouse away from the anchor and it will be hidden, how do I achieve the same on iPad?



Will really appreciate a quick response.





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HI Jitesh,


Please find the response below, inline with your queries,


How do I fix this on both flash and js version with XT?

>> With FusionCharts XT, please use the below line of code

<set tooltext='$90.00 USD {br} 9:23:46 {br} ServerTech Inc.(..' y='90.0' x='1395375826000'>

We use {br} for line breaks.


How do I hide the tooltext once user has seen it? On desktop you just take the mouse away from the anchor and it will be hidden, how do I achieve the same on iPad?

>> You have to tap(single click) on the chart area away from the toolTip.


Hope this helps!

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Hi Bindhu,


Thank you for your quick reply. I tried with {BR} and it introduces the new line in both flash and js version of charts.


With the previous version of Fusioncharts, we were using a UTF-8 encoded string for the tool-text.


Not sure if that was a requirement for the earlier version. Would you know? Does it mean that these formats are no longer supported for the tooltext?


About hiding the tooltext on iPad, I am NOT able to do it on iPad. It works well on desktop flash chart but on iPad js chart, the tooltext is sticky. It doesn't go away on clicking an empty chart area.

Only thing that seems to hide it is opening up tooltext for another anchor. It poses usability issues.


Any suggestions?




Edited by jitesh

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Hi Jitesh,


Yes, it was. Now you can directly embed most of the special characters and punctuation marks in the XML/JSON data source of your chart.


However, &, <, >, ' (apostrophe) and "(quote) need to be specially encoded when providing the same as a part of the chart data. Apart from this, there is no need to encode any other special character.


I will get back to you on the toolTip issue for the iPads.


Hope this helps!

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Hi Bindhu,


Thanks for the information. It really helps.


I will wait for a reply on the other question- hiding the tooltext on iPads.



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Hi Jitesh,


This appears to be a bug with the JavaScript charts.


Our development team is looking into it and would get back to you as soon as possible.


Hope this helps!

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