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x-axis data label moves up and down for StackedColumn2D chart

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We have upgraded to v3.6.  One of the chart is a multi series column chart using the StackedColumn2D chart type.  We found that the data labels on the x-axis are moving up and down and sometimes they move up so much that they are covered by the canvas.  Please see attached example chart images (a normal one, and the one that has x-axis labels behind the canvas).  I have also tried to add padding between canvas and the label but it does not help.  It works fine prior to the upgrade (We were on v3.1.1 before).  We run this on IE8








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We were unable to replicate your issue on our side, please check image attached.


Can you send us a scaled down sample of your xml/json data?



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i have submitted this issue to your support before - 249649.  You guys keep saying you cannot duplicate the issue.  We had this problem since v3.4, 3.5.  V3.11 is fine.  This issue only occurs in IE, when we ran this in Firefox, it is fine.  However, we have to run this in IE as all our whole application is in IE only. 

The overlapping does not appear on the first time, you have to keep running the same chart a few times to see that.





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We are rendring the stacked chart using FusionCharts version 3.6.0 in a simple HTML page using json data in dataString method. We are rendering the charts in IE 8 browser through


If this is not the right method, please share with us the steps how to replicate your issue.


We have shared our sample HTML page as an attachment.






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Attached is my code snippet on how I render that data, see if you can duplicate that.


For your reference, here is some data for the string that have the problems.  The label is based on the value of the region str below, you can see that it is divided into 4 regions: Asia, Europe, North America, South America.  The problem is these labels move up and down and sometimes they move so much that they are behind the canvas.  I have put a lot of padding like labelPadding='25' to avoid them get covered by the canvas, but you can still see that they move up and down.  And you have to keep running the chart a few times to see the change, the first time it is fine in one position, the next few times they may move up or down in different position.  However if I ran the chart in Firefox, this is fine.


Below are notes for the code snippet"


the l_region_str looks like:

" Asia{br}34 Programs{br}3,174 Deliverables;Europe{br}73 Programs{br}5,534 Deliverables;North America{br}22 Programs{br}1,664 Deliverables;South America{br}8 Programs{br}388 Deliverables";

the value string looks lke:

don't worry about the tooltext and link, they are fine



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I am attaching the output of the charts (normal and ad normal for your reference).


attachicon.gifFC chart



Could you please confirm the current version you are using?


Also, please upgrade your current version  to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts v3.6 if you have not already. This issue is not replicated in the latest version.


Hope this helps. :)

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We are using v3.6 as indicated at the very beginning of this bug report.  I have reported this bug before, the support number is: 249649.  We have no problem when we used the v3.1.1 version, we tried it in v3.4, v3.5 and found the same error.  We were told to upgraded to v3.6, which this bug still comes up.  Please check all the doc that I attached to see the "bug".  Also if you can look into support number - 249649, you will find the same.





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Hi Kelly,


Apologies for the miscommunication.


Can you please share the width/height passed to the table and chart constructor?


Also, please try providing the table width/height and position as below.

<table style='width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;'> 

Awaiting response.

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Hi Swarnam,


Here are the info for your questions.


The chart width and height are:

l_chart_width        VARCHAR2(10)  := '750';

l_chart_height       VARCHAR2(10)  := '500';


 l_chart_type         VARCHAR2(100) := 'Stackedcolumn2D';


The table width and height are:

   l_table_width        VARCHAR2(100) :=750;
   l_table_height       VARCHAR2(100) :=600;


 <table width="<%=l_table_width%>" height="<%=l_table_height%>"  cellspacing="10" cellpadding="5" align="center" border="0">


  var myChart = new FusionCharts( "<%= l_chart_type %>","<%= l_myChartid %>", "<%= l_chart_width %>","<%= l_chart_height %>", "0", "1" );            


I tried your suggestion: <table style='width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;'> , the labels still moving up and down.




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We recommend you to use standard mode only of IE because quirks mode is complex and non-standard mode of browser.


As such in quirks mode of IE if you are rendering the chart inside a table it is causing problems.



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Hi Nabajeet,


We are not using quirks mode in IE.  The same piece of codes rendering the chart properly with no issues when we are using V3.11, ever since we switched to v3.4, v3.5, and now v.3.6, the labels start to move up and down.  We have been using IE 8 all along (not quirks mode), I also tested the same piece of code in IE 11 yesterday, the same thing happens.

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