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MSCombiDY2D ignoring y axis max and min values

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The chart is ignoring the y axis min and max even tough data is within the min and max


here is my XML

<chart caption="Toronto, ON" invertYAxis="1" subcaption="Average price" yAxisName="" numberprefix="" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" bgImage="" showvalues="0" showAlternateHGridColor="1" placevaluesInside="0" labeldisplay="WRAP" adjustDiv="0" numDivLines="22" yAxisValuesStep="2" divlinecolor="#CCCCCC" divlineThickness="2" divlinealpha="100" showAlternateVGridColor="0" numVDivlines="10" adjustVDiv="0" vDivlineColor="#CCCCCC" vDivlineAlpha="100" useroundedges="0" yAxisMaxValue="672000" yAxisMinValue="519999" showcanvasbg="0" canvasPadding="20" canvasborderthickness="1" animation="1" palettecolors="#e44a00" showLegend="0" rotatevalues="" bgImageVAlign="middle" bgImageHAlign="middle" plotGradientColor="" use3DLighting="0" labelStep="0" labelPadding="20" labelFontBold="1" yAxisValuesPadding="10" showYAxisValues="1" showDivLineSecondaryValue="0" showSecondaryLimits="0" numVisibleLabels="12" tooltipcolor="#FFFFFF" tooltipbordercolor="#FFFFFF" tooltipbgcolor="#000000" tooltipbgalpha="80" forceYAxisValueDecimals="1" yAxisValueDecimals="0" showborder="0" lineThickness="6" showZeroPlaneValue="0">
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<category label="Aug 14"/>
<category label="Sep 14"/>
<category label="Oct 14"/>
<category label="Nov 14"/>
<category label="Dec 14"/>
<category label="Jan 15"/>
<category label="Feb 15"/>
<category label="Mar 15"/>
<category label="Apr 15"/>
<category label="May 15"/>
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<margin all="0"/>


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