
Angular Gauge: Pivot animation speed

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happy new year! :)


I've got an angular gauge with 1 dial. It gets new data every 0.2s in the range between 0 and 10.


While the value below pivot always shows the correct value, the pivot only moves slowly between 4 and 8 back and forth. I guess there's an animation speed which makes the pivot too slow to stay with the current value.


While setting "animation":"0" works, it doesn't look smooth, though. I want to try setting the animation speed to 200ms instead. Is that possible?




Kind regards

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i know this is an old post but i understand you have a gauge that's dynamically updating every few seconds with animation from its last position

I've been fighting with this for two days now and i cant get it to update with animation, the pivot just jumps to the new value without animation..

how can i get it to animate from the previous value to the new one?


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