
real time update of gauge

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I'm trying to configure real time gauge for a web site.

My gauge : 

var chart10456 = new FusionCharts("AngularGauge", "_chart10456", "500", "200");
var datas = myxml;
My datas :
<chart type="angular" style="1" manageresize="0" lowerlimit="0" palette="3" valuebelowpivot="1" majortmheight="25" tickvaluedistance="10" showvalue="1" gaugeinnerradius="70%" pivotfillcolor="333333" pivotradius="6" pivotfillmix="333333, FFFFFF" pivotfilltype="radial" pivotfillratio="0,100" showtickvalues="1" showborder="0" origw="400" origh="220" chartbottommargin="10" name="chart10456" id="chart10456" dataStreamURL="GetGaugeDataStreamRT?ID_NUMGENREN=10456" clickURL="DataViewVision?ID1=10284&ORDER=1&PDS=SourceGen" refreshInterval="10" showRTMenuItem="1" upperlimit="100">
<dial value="7" rearextension="0" radius="90%" bgcolor="CCCCCC" bordercolor="999999" basewidth="6" alpha="50"/>
<point usemarker="0" thickness="1" color="FF0000" startvalue="100" innerradius="75" valueinside="1"/>
<color minvalue="0" maxvalue="50" code="#6baa01"/>
<color minvalue="50" maxvalue="100" code="#f8bd19"/>
When my value is lower than the trendpoint, my upperlimit equals the trendpoint
example : value = 7, trendpoint = 100, upperlimit = 100
After update, my value equal 148.
The gauge is updated but the dial is not moving.
Can you explain me why ?
when the value is lower than the upper limit, the dial work well and move.



Edited by gilles.ruetsch

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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!


In Angular Gauge, it is possible to set the dial value to the maximum limit when the value is beyond maximum limit using the FusionCharts API setData().


Syntax: setData(dialIndex, value)

Description: This method sets the data for the given dial index on the chart. The first dial is represented by index 1, second by 2 and so on.



Also, you can change the maximum limit value dynamically using FusionCharts API setChartAttribute() .


Syntax: setChartAttribute(attributes, value)

Description: Updates a chart's data attributes with the new attribute-value pair. In other words, it updates a chart's data definition root.



Hope this will help your use case scenario.

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When I attach to a process, the "show real-time data" button is disabled. Is it not possible to view real time data when attached to a process?






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