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Tooltip position bug

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When creating a chart inside a movieclip inside a new flash movie the tooltips do not position correctly ;)


i.e. they seem to depend upon the movieclip that contains the chart being positioned at (0,0).




Can this be sorted please? I assume it's a bug in the tooltip class.





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What you might be doing is re-positioning the parent movie clip of the chart.

Instead offset the chart in the parent movie clip (with no x/y shifting) using the X/Y offset parameters in the constructor function of the chart.

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Yes that is what I am doing and I need to do this.




Offsetting the chart instead will not fulfill my requirements, - i.e. it will have further ramifications in my flash movie. I need the movieclip containing the chart to be positionable anywhere. Surely the chart should be self-contained and not require your suggested work-around.




So I have updated the file myself to address this (but my solution is not 100% perfect).





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The solution is extremely simple. Just change the mouse related attributes _ymouse and _xmouse with parent._ymouse and parent._xmouse in the file. Can't tell about side effects, but it seems to work fine.




Hope this helps.

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