
How to create the chart directly from api response using AngularJS

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I want to create a chart directly from the response returned by my REST API. The response returned is in JSON format with multiple key- values. I want to create a graph using only few keys from the response. Eg: Create graph using only State and Amount keys.


I am pretty new to Fusion Charts. So please guide me. Thanks

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Since, you are a newbie in FusionCharts, I would suggest you to start off with static charts . Once, done you can move ahead with using the wrappers provided by FusionCharts for , Php, Java and ROR.


Documentation :


The for JAVA wrapper and examples can be found below:


Hope this helps.

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   I am using the fusion charts angular plugin and retrieving data from the server using AJAX. Are there any examples on how to do this for multiple graphs. I have used static data and it works but having some issues with the dynamic data. I have an array in my scope that stores the chart data from the server and then in the html I use ng-repeat to iterate through this array and pass the data to the fusioncharts directive. 


Any help is appreciated!!!!

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