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show legend when we clicks on specific link/icon

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Is it possible in the fusion chart to show legend only when we clicks on specific link/icon?

or show it when mouseover.

My requirement is by default I dont want to show the legend. I need to place the icon/link in the bottom of the chart and I need to show the legend when mouseover on the icon or onclick of the icon.

Is it possible in the fusion chart?

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For this you would need to redraw the chart on each mouse over/click. Primarly you would put an attribute showLegend='0' to hide the legend. on mouse over over icon you would need to pass the XML again to the chart now with showLegend='1' and if you want to show/hide legend only of a specic dataset you can  add includeInLegend='1' or includeInLegend='0' in<dataset>.

But, note that you would need to pass the XML which would redtaw the chart. If you set animation='0' this effect wont event take a flicker.

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Thanks a lot for your nice idea. I forgot to mention one thing. Like the tooltip popup I need to show the legend in the popup on mouseover of the icon and I need to hide it on mouse out. Do we have this feature in the fusion.



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