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bgimage cropping on 3D charts in Edge and IE

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On our software we have an option to add a background image to a fusion chart (which is shown as bgImage in the xml). However we found something very strange in Edge and Internet Explorer. When we add a bg image it seems to crop itself down as opposed to filling the entire chart area. After investigating it seems that it decides to only fill in the canvas area. 


Is there a solution to this problem?


Our fusion version is 3.11.3.


The attached images show the differences between the charts when ran in Chrome and Edge (Capture 1 is in Chrome. Capture 2 is in Edge)


Thank you for your help



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We investigated your issue both in google chrome and edge and its working fine from our end. 


If the problem is still not solved you can send a scale down sample in a fiddle and share with us.


For further reference please check this sample fiddle link 


Also check the attachment for the screen shot images tested in both chrome and edge. 


Hope this helps.



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Just an update on the issue that it does indeed work as it should in JSFiddle. Though we still have the problem, we found that it is due to the clip-path that is attached to the BG image not sizing correctly in IE. If we find a proper solultion to this problem then we shall post it here for future reference.

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Just an update that we are still having this problem. The clipping path that is generated seems to be defaulting to the size of the canvas area as opposed the size of the container. We have attached a html sample that shows what it looks like when it fails as well as the XML file that it is derived from. From a glance can you see anything that might be missing or might be wrong in the HTML or XML? As mentioned before this is an issue that occurs ONLY in edge and IE. 



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Thanks for replying back.
We checked the source code you provided ,in the .xml file you have used <styles>, <definition> tags which are deprecated now, please follow the latest xml structure of FusionCharts.

Please refer this documentation link  for further reference.


Also include a sample for bgImage and supply image via or and post the answer.

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