Multiseries combination chart, 2D bar with stepline

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I'm trying to create a multiseries 2D bar chart and each series should have their own trendline (datasets are results of the same research conducted each year = each year has a different trendline). I was trying to tackle this (trendlines running through the enitre chart) by using a step line chart. 

Is it possible to combine a step line chart with a bar chart, or is a step line chart only possible as a multiseries as I've gathered from the docs?

Can a trendline (or any line) be assigned to a specific dataset and not have it run across the whole chart?

Edited by FST

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In Multi-series Bar Chart or in any chart type that supports Trend-line feature will have it across the entire chart. It is not possible to restrict the trend-line to any dataset.

Step Line Charts are multi-series in nature. But it cannot be combined with any other charts like Bar chart. For further reference on Step Line chart check the documentation link : http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/step-line-chart/introduction.html


Alternatively, you can check the Line Annotations instead of Trend-line, that can be placed anywhere on the chart as you require. Please refer to the documentation : http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/advanced-chart-configurations/annotations/creating-annotations/creating-shape-annotations.html#line

Please note : Annotations are static in nature.




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