Ravikumar Sutagundi

Changing chart type dynamically

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I am facing the issue with the below scenario.
I have 2 charts rendered in a page. Changing 2nd  chart type, is changing the first chart type. Attached are the screenshots for your reference.

After investigation found out that, the chart is getting appended to a div with id "container-"  just beneath <fusioncharts> tag.

Any help is highly appreciated.








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Please check the implementation once, it seems like you are updating the chart type for the first chart, also please check whether you are using FusionCharts chartType API method to change its chart type at the runtime, to know more check this link -  https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-methods#charttype-6

If you are still facing any problem kindly share us a sample replicating the problem or live URL so that we can investigate it further. 

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Thanks for your reply.  I am using angular2 fusion charts.

I am updating the chart type for the second chart. The dom shows the proper data. But the div with id "container-" will get replaced with the latest data. I mean the second chart data get's replaced with the first one. And the div with id "container-" will be empty for the second chart.

I have no live application to share the URL, since still in development. I can share the DOM screen shot, if needed.

Edited by Ravikumar S

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Thanks for the reply. Sincere apologies, as I cannot provide you a sample. Please find the attached screen shots of DOM showing what happens when I change the chart type of second one.

Possibly could give some hint. If you please look into the first image,  div with id="container-" just beneath fusioncharts tag has a span with id="chartobject-6" for first chart and id="chartobject7" for second chart respectively. When I change chart type for second chart, the span with id="chartobject-6" gets replaced with "chartobject-7" which is content of second chart and second chart's span will just disappear.




Edited by Ravikumar S

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Thanks for noting the issue. These chart container id's will be generated dynamically by fusioncharts. We don't do anything for these. I am trying to find through source code, however not able to find out the code. Found for span within div, but not for the div itself.




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Hello Ayan,

With regards to the same drill down, have one more issue. When I change chart type from AngularGauge to HLinearGauge and vice versa gets this error.

core.es5.js:1020 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property ' rearextension ' of undefined

Please find the below stack trace for your persual.

core.es5.js:1020 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'rearextension' of undefined
    at a._spaceManager (fusioncharts.widgets.js:456)
    at a._manageSpace (fusioncharts.js:1033)
    at a.draw (fusioncharts.js:1041)
    at Object.k [as job] (fusioncharts.js:1001)
    at q (fusioncharts.js:39)
    at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:367)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (core.es5.js:3881)
    at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:366)
    at Zone.runTask (zone.js:166)
    at ZoneTask.invoke (zone.js:420)
    at data.args.(anonymous function) (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:1581:29)

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On 7/18/2018 at 12:56 PM, Ayan Bhadury said:


We are working on this we would get back to you with the updates accordingly.

Appreciate your patience.

Hello Ayan,

May I know whether this has been fixed in latest version or not?

Appreciate your response.



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