
Query String -Drilldown Fusion

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i have created a  3d column chart in using fusion chart , i want to  implement drill down in to the same .that means while clicking the column of the chart want to display a pop up window . for that i want to pass some parameter as query string  my code sample is below 

  xmlData.AppendFormat("<set name='{0}' value='{1}' link='P - Details_IncidentByType, width = 400, height = 300, toolbar = no, scrollbars = no,  resizable = no -/Details_IncidentByTypeaspx.aspx %SD=" + ToDate+ "%ED="+FromDate+ "%TYP="+ QS_Type + " %CPNY="+QS_Company+ " %LOC="+QS_Location+ "  " % FM="+QS_Frompage+" '''/>", Dt.Rows["bbbb"], Dt.Rows["aaaa"]);

i have urgent requirement on this , please anybody help .


Kindly advice on this


thanks in advance.

Edited by Muhasseena

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I would like to suggest you to implement jQuery modal popup for showcasing the child chart after clicking on the parent chart data plot. For reference please check the following sample

Now you might ask me why I am suggesting to implement jQuery modal pop up for your scenario hence check out the following points.

1. It is easier to implement jQuery modal pop up.

2. If you want to implement query string to pass child chart information on the fly it is merely possible because FusionCharts take the entire JSON/XML structure for parents as well as child chart data source altogether only thing is possible you could specify a different JSON file for each child chart.

3. The entire code if you implement jQuery modal popup it would stay in client side no serverside interaction like query string is not necessary hence more secure and fast.

Please check the sample and implement the same in ASP.NET environment.

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