
Doughnut 2d graph,annotation

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In Doughnut 2d Graph for printing labels on Arc of is there any attribute to do so.if not so how can we create  annotation  category with dynamic values  according to the labels present in data.  

PF screenshot for the same

Doughnut2d Chart.PNG

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Hi Suraj,


FusionCharts does not support displaying the labels or values on the Doughnut slices. You need to use annotations to achieve this.

However, since annotations are static in nature, you need to provide the "x" and "y" attributes of the text annotations accordingly with pixel values to get the text positioned on top of the slices.

For further reference check the below links :

Text annotations :

Positioning Macros :




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HI Akash,

 Please could you provide the same annotation(dynamic implementation) depending upon data input or data Sample.

According to our implementation we want to plot data depending upon dynamic input from backend. So could you help me and tell how to find start angle and end angle of arcs in doughnut charts.



Edited by Suraj

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Hi Suraj,


It is not possible to set the annotations position with respect to the starting and the ending arcs of the slices in a Doughnut chart. The available macro options with respect to the dataset are in the below documentation link :

Please note : Annotations are static in nature.

Though, you can dynamically set the annotation configurations using the supported API, but the "x" and "y" values for the text annotations have to be set according to your requirement to place them on top of the slices. Because, fetching the slice or arc starting and ending angles are not possible using macros.




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