Zéfling Report post Posted June 5, 2019 When a scrollline2d, there is a case where _allTicks is undefined ticks = axisConfig._allTicks, len = ticks.length; And crash totally FusionCharts : zone.js:199 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at CategoryAxis._parseCategoryPlotLine (fusioncharts.js:80291) at CategoryAxis._parseReferenceVisuals (fusioncharts.js:81690) at CategoryAxis._parseReferenceVisuals (fusioncharts.js:86654) at CategoryAxis.setVisibleConfig (fusioncharts.js:81559) at ScrollLine2D._setAxisScale2 (fusioncharts.charts.js:9514) at ScrollLine2D._setAxisScale (fusioncharts.charts.js:9636) at ScrollLine2D._spaceManager (fusioncharts.js:73503) at ScrollLine2D._manageSpace (fusioncharts.js:75024) at ScrollLine2D.manageSpace (fusioncharts.js:75402) at ScrollLine2D.updateVisual (fusioncharts.js:15894) at Object.ComponentBase.component.__drawJob [as job] (fusioncharts.js:15477) at executeJob (fusioncharts.js:14619) at ZoneDelegate.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:423) at Zone.ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.runTask (zone.js:195) at ac_polyfills../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneTask.invokeTask (zone.js:498) at ZoneTask.invoke (zone.js:487) at timer (zone.js:2281) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zéfling Report post Posted June 5, 2019 It's problem is present when datasource.categories is malformed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akash Biswas Report post Posted June 6, 2019 Hi, Please check the prescribed dataSource structure of a Scroll line chart in the documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/scroll-charts If you still face any issue, kindly provide a sample fiddle with your dataSource replicating the problem, we would check and get back to you. Thanks, Akash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zéfling Report post Posted June 17, 2019 Hi, With this structure, In owr application fusionchart crashes, but not in a test case : { "chart": { "baseFont": "\"Source Sans Pro\", sans-serif", "decimalSeparator": ",", "thousandSeparator": " ", "decimals": 2, "baseFontSize": 14, "borderThickness": 0, "plotBorderThickness": 0, "canvasBorderThickness": 0, "caption": "", "showAlternateHGridColor": 0, "zeroPlaneThickness": 1, "labelDisplay": "none", "labelStep": 1, "labelBinSize": 0, "flatScrollBars": 1, "scrollheight": 15, "bgColor": "#FFFFFF", "canvasBgColor": "#FFFFFF", "bgAlpha": 0, "canvasBgAlpha": 0, "numberScaleValue": "1000,1000,1000", "numberScaleUnit": "k,M,G", "use3DLighting": false, "legendPosition": "bottom", "legendItemFontSize": 12, "legendBorderAlpha": 0, "legendShadow": 0, "showShadow": false, "enableSlicing": false, "slicingDistance": 0, "enableMultiSlicing": false, "numbersuffix": "€", "showLegend": false, "showValues": false, "scrollPadding": 10, "usePlotGradientColor": false, "setAdaptiveYMin": true, "yAxisValuesPadding": 10, "labelPadding": 10, "canvasPadding": 25, "paletteColors": "#7B68EE" }, "categories": [ { "category": { "label": "JUIN" } }, { "category": { "label": "JUIL" } }, { "category": { "label": "AOÛT" } }, { "category": { "label": "SEPT" } }, { "category": { "label": "OCT" } }, { "category": { "label": "NOV" } }, { "category": { "label": "DÉC" } }, { "category": { "label": "JANV" } }, { "category": { "label": "FÉVR" } }, { "category": { "label": "MARS" } }, { "category": { "label": "AVRIL" } }, { "category": { "label": "MAI" } }, { "category": { "label": "JUIN" } } ], "dataset": [ { "value": 210.65 }, { "value": 564.65 }, { "value": 261.45 }, { "value": 166.99 }, { "value": 356.62 }, { "value": 405.76 }, { "value": 715.48 }, { "value": 562.69 }, { "value": 629.62 }, { "value": 310.29 }, { "value": 151.82 }, { "value": 83.73 }, { "value": 212.68 } ] } It's strange... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akash Biswas Report post Posted June 18, 2019 Hi, The categories object that you have defined is not complying to the prescribed format of FusionCharts scroll chart. Please check the below structure of "categories" object array : "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "Jan 2016" }, { "label": "Feb 2016" }, { "label": "Mar 2016" }, { "label": "Apr 2016" }, { "label": "May 2016" }, { "label": "Jun 2016" }, { "label": "Jul 2016" }, { "label": "Aug 2016" }, { "label": "Sep 2016" }, { "label": "Oct 2016" }, { "label": "Nov 2016" }, { "label": "Dec 2016" } ] } ] Also the "dataset" object array is not as per the prescribed format. It should have "data" object array within the "dataset" objects. Refer to the below snippet : "dataset": [{ "data": [{ "value": 210.65 }, { "value": 564.65 }, { "value": 261.45 }] }] Find a sample fiddle modifying the structure of your JSON dataSource : http://jsfiddle.net/czhu8bvt/3/ Thanks, Akash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites