
Tooltip showing on wrong element (Firefox)

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We're having an issue with tooltip's position in Firefox. When we test on Chrome, the tooltips were displaying correctly, but they are off by one data plot when testing using Firefox. Here's a video showing the issue:


When I hover over the second bar, it's showing tooltips for the third bar. 1.png.fee5535f07a54d3b376a4a70322a241b.png

The fusioncharts version we are using is 3.13.3-sr.1. Do you know why this happens? Thanks. 


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We just upgraded our fusioncharts to 3.14.0-sr.1 as suggested. Still have issues with tooltip display. When hover over a bar or data plot element, no tooltext showing, however, if I hover outside the element about 10px to the left, then it shows. Here's a video showing the issue. 


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