
Redo charts when click on plot

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I have three charts, and one mapwithcountries. The thing i would like to do is when click on some plot(column or bar) in one of my three charts i want to "redo" the others charts(column, bar, donut, map) with the specific data about that clicked plot.

So how could i achieve this? I know there is events for those charts, but i dont know how to render again (or update) those charts with specific clicked plot.

I hope you can help me.

Thanks in advance

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You can use the "dataPlotClick" API event that gets triggered when a click interaction is made on the chart plots. To update a chart with new dataSource, you need to use "setJSONData() API method invoked on the chart instance of the chart that you want to update.

So, use "setJSONData()" on the chart instance within the "dataPlotClick" event handler function.

Refer to the below sample for an implementation :




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