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Yaxis Name & Stepping Bug

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I love fusion charts, such a great extension of the features set in Flash via AS 2.0.

To my problems, I have been having a couple of issues with fusion charts thus far:

In all the charts I have made so far I cannot get a single chart to show the YAxisName, what am I doing wrong? Even if I remove all the other items and just try to specify the y axis name only the chart will apear with everything working fine but the yaxisname is always missing.

strXML = strXML + "<chart yAxisName='test'>";

var strXML:String = "";

//Add simple data for demo.


strXML = strXML + "<chart yAxisName=Statistic Group 1>";
 strXML = strXML + "<categories> ";
 strXML = strXML + "<category label='2002' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<category label='2003' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<category label='2004' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<category label='2005' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<category label='2006' />";
 strXML = strXML + "</categories>";
 strXML = strXML + "<dataset seriesName='1.6% Test' color='0f5c9f' showValues='0'>";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='2.5' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='0.6' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='2' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='0.8' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='1.6' />";
 strXML = strXML + "</dataset>";
 strXML = strXML + "<dataset seriesname='2.3% STS Benchmark' renderAs='Line' showValues='0'>";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='3.3' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='2.9' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='2.6' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='2.5' />";
 strXML = strXML + "<set value='2.3' />";
 strXML = strXML + "</dataset>";
 strXML = strXML + "</chart>";

The other problem I have is when I try to specify the stepping values that should show up along the left hand side of a chart. I have tried....

 <chart yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='3.5' numDivLines='5' decimals='2' yAxisValuesDecimals='2'> 

This should give me 0, .5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5....yet all I get is 0 at the bottom and 3.5 at the top everything in between is blank.  

Edited by Guest

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I got the y axis label issue resolved, but could you give me an example of code which will give me the Y axis values I listed earlier. I tried adding the value you listed but this did not resolve the issue. Could you give me a complete code example?

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So I was able to resolve the initial stepping issue by using the following code in the chart tag:

yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='3.5' adjustDiv='0' numDivLines='6'

Which gave me the following along the y Axis:

0, .5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 with the numDivLines='6' representing the 6 values between the coded Y min/max values for total of 8 y axis values.

I have run into a similar issue again and the method used last time is not working. Using the following code:

yAxisMaxValue='135' yAxisMinValue='105' numvdivlines='5' adjustDiv='0'

Should yield  105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, along the y axis

Instead I get:

105, 111, 117, 123, 129, 135

For some reason a y Axis values is missing as well as being incremented by 6 instead of 5. What is the issue?

Below is the complete code for reference:

var strXML:String = "<chart caption='Volume' yAxisMaxValue='135' yAxisMinValue='105' numvdivlines='5' adjustDiv='0'  showShadow='1' bgAlpha='5' showCanvasBase='1' showCanvasBg='1' showToolTip='0' plotSpacePercent='50' xAxisName='Year' yAxisName='Procedures' baseFont='arial' baseFontSize='14' palette='2' shownames='1' showvalues='0' decimals='0'>";
//Add simple data for demo.
strXML = strXML + "<categories>";
strXML = strXML + "<category label='2002' />";
strXML = strXML + "<category label='2003' />";
strXML = strXML + "<category label='2004' />";
strXML = strXML + "<category label='2005' />";
strXML = strXML + "<category label='2006' />";
strXML = strXML + "</categories>";
strXML = strXML + "<dataset color='0f5c9f' showValues='0'>";
strXML = strXML + "<set value='131' />";
strXML = strXML + "<set value='119' />";
strXML = strXML + "<set value='116' />";
strXML = strXML + "<set value='122' />";
strXML = strXML + "<set value='124' />";
strXML = strXML + "</dataset>";
strXML = strXML + "</chart>";

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For reference, the issue was due to a typo in my code.... 'numvdivlines' should be 'numdivlines' keyword.

Thanks for your help Pallav, your excellent support will be factored into a possible upgrade to an enterprise version.

- Mike

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