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changing ChartNoDataText when no data is available

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I'll start with example


I am using drill downs functionality with fusion charts .. I was just thinking if I could change ChartNoDataTExt message to something different when the there is not any data for a click.




For example, in employees chart, click on emp1 updates sales chart for emp1 .. but if there is not any sales data available for emp1 can I change ChartNoDataText?


When I instantiate chart I set ChartNoDataText as follow ..


"FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf?ChartNoDataText=Sales values are displayed in this Chart."


This chart gets updated with some bars or lines .. but if no sale value is present it keeps saying "sales values are displayed in this chart" .. I want this to be "No sales value present for this emp";




is it possible?


It is not necessary to have "text message only", any other trick by which I could show that there is not any data available for that click would do.


Please help.



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