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Tooltip max character size

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 Can someone tell me the maximum character size of cahrt tooltip.

I am displaying a database comment field as tooltip in my chart.

But sometime chart does not appear and I know this is because of the tooltip text size. 

I have no idea about the max character length of tooltip.

Also I can't see the whole tooltip text (begining text is disappeared)

How can I make set the tooltip text in broken line so that the whole comment can be viewed.

Thanks in advance.


Edited by Guest

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Hello Maksuda,

If you want to add newline breaks to the tooltip, could you please add to the display string, and try again?

It should look something like:

hoverText="This is in a line ;This is in a new line"

I hope this helps! :)

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Thanks Dhruva:

In this case my tooltip text is a database field. I'm retriving data as follow:

DataTable myDataTable = DtSet.Tables[0];
foreach (DataRow dRow in myDataTable.Rows)
string comment = dRow["Comments"].ToString();
xmlData.AppendFormat("<set value='{0}' tooltext='{1}' />", dRow["Total"].ToString(), dRow["Comments"].ToString());

How could I use new line lag here that you told ?

any kind of coding help is highly appriciated.




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Hello again, Maksuda,

Could you please confirm if you are using FusionCharts Free, or FusionCharts v3?

This information is needed because the two versions have different attributes.

Also, could you please attach the generated XML so that we may have a look at it?

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Thank you Dhruva for the reply.

I think It's FusionCharts Free (I downloaded the Trial Version from website- but I was it is also v3 I think, so I'm confused about FusionCharts Free and FusionCharts v3 )

Here is my generated XML code:

  - <chart labelDisplay="[b]Rotate[/b]" slantLabels="[b]1[/b]" caption="NETWORK[b] REPORTING[/b]" subCaption="[b]Quarterly[/b]" pieSliceDepth="[b]30[/b]" showBorder="[b]0[/b]" 	 numberSuffix="[b][/b]" seriesNameInToolTip="[b]1[/b]" XAXISNAME="[b]Fiscal Quarter[/b]"     YAXISNAME="[b]No of Events[/b]" lineThickness="[b]5[/b]" reverseLegend="[b]0[/b]" anchorAlpha="[b]100[/b]" anchorRadius="[b]5[/b]" setAdaptiveYMin="[b]5[/b]" 	 drawAnchors="[b]1[/b]" numberScaleValue="[b]1000,1000,1000[/b]" numberScaleUnit="[b]K,M,B[/b]" formatNumber="[b]1[/b]" formatNumberScale="[b]1[/b]">- <categories>  <category label="[b]Q1-2008[/b]" />   <category label="[b]Q2-2008[/b]" />   <category label="[b]Q3-2008[/b]" />   <category label="[b]Q4-2008[/b]" />   </categories>- <dataset seriesName="[b]A[/b]" showValues="[b]0[/b]">  <set value="[b]21376661[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]16411446[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]18035111[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]17572169[/b]" tooltext="Test [b]A comment is posted[/b]" />   </dataset>- <dataset seriesName="[b]B[/b]" showValues="[b]0[/b]">  <set value="[b]3486329[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]5320359[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]10395536[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]12248346[/b]" tooltext="[b]Good Maksuda3[/b]" />   </dataset>- <dataset seriesName="[b]C[/b]" showValues="[b]0[/b]">  <set value="[b]161565632[/b]" tooltext="[b]Obvious question here - please explain this huge spike in C activity. - Maksuda[/b]" />   <set value="[b]12527735[/b]" tooltext="[b]null[/b]" />   <set value="[b]6119261[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]6236180[/b]" tooltext="[b]Good Maksuda4[/b]" />   </dataset>- <dataset seriesName="[b]D[/b]" showValues="[b]0[/b]">  <set value="[b]2339025[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]2070100[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]116600[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]21551[/b]" tooltext="[b]Good Maksuda5[/b]" />   </dataset>- <dataset seriesName="E" showValues="[b]0[/b]">  <set value="[b]697762[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]1024645[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]1051015[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]5321449[/b]" tooltext="[b]Test E comment is posted[/b]" />   </dataset>- <dataset seriesName="F" showValues="[b]0[/b]">  <set value="[b]897074[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]3882617[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]2861059[/b]" tooltext="[b][/b]" />   <set value="[b]1346998[/b]" tooltext="[b]Good Maksuda7[/b]" />   </dataset>- <styles>- <definition>  <style name="[b]CanvasAnim[/b]" type="[b]animation[/b]" param="[b]_xScale[/b]" start="[b]100[/b]" duration="[b]1[/b]" />   <style name="[b]myHTMLFont[/b]" type="[b]font[/b]" isHTML="[b]1[/b]" />   <style name="[b]CapstionStyle[/b]" type="[b]font[/b]" face="[b]Arial[/b]" size="[b]18[/b]" color="[b]6A5ACD[/b]" bold="[b]0[/b]" bgColor="[b]FFFFFF[/b]" />   <style name="[b]SubCapstionStyle[/b]" type="[b]font[/b]" face="[b]Arial[/b]" size="[b]16[/b]" color="[b]6A5ACD[/b]" bold="[b]1[/b]" bgColor="[b]FFFFFF[/b]" />   </definition>- <application>  <apply toObject="[b]Canvas[/b]" styles="[b]CanvasAnim[/b]" />   <apply toObject="[b]Caption[/b]" styles="[b]CapstionStyle[/b]" />   <apply toObject="[b]SubCaption[/b]" styles="[b]SubCapstionStyle[/b]" />   <apply toObject="[b]TOOLTIP[/b]" styles="[b]myHTMLFont[/b]" />   </application>  </styles>  </chart>




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Hello Maksuda,

You are using FusionCharts v3 Evaluation. :) 

It has all the features of the FusionCharts v3, and is different from FusionCharts Free.

What you need to do here is write some code, which will automatically place the  string inside the tooltext string at some suitable location.

I suggest you proceed thus:

1. Calculate the string length of the tooltext string in the generated XML.

2. If the string exceeds a certain predefined length, locate the central word.

3. Append the string at the end of the central word, and before the next word.

For eg, something like this:

<set value="[b]161565632[/b]" tooltext="Obvious question here - please explain this huge spike in C activity. - Maksuda" />


I hope this helps! :)

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Thank you Dhruva, thank you very much. :)

Yes it worked for me and I'm getting perfect Tooltip now

Thanks for the help again.



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Hi Dhruva: <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

I appreciate your help and support.

Another thing which is creating problem displaying my chart -

when users brows site and post comments, they very natuarally press enter button to go to next line.

And after that chart related with that data does no appear.

I tested and figured it out that enter causes the problem to show up the chart.

Is there any way that I can overcome the problem.

I can't ask the users "please don't press enter when you submit comments".

Thanking you,


Edited by Guest

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Hi Dhruva :

Thank you for the mail. I'm afraid I may not do that.

The project is running on company database which has all live data. And according to company rule nobody allows to do that. So I can't help you regarding this.

Is there anything that I can do that will let you helping me to solve the prob?

Thanking You,


Edited by Guest

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Hi Sudipto:

Thanks for your reply. You asked me to send my script to your support group.

I'm sending my all my script (XML, .aspx and aspx.cs code).


Thanking you,


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