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Default text to show when data for Fusion Chart is being fetched

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In .swf file I have data grid and Fusion Charts.

On load I first fetch values for data grid. With these values I try to draw the fusion chart.

So till the fusion chart is formed I want to display a text like "Loading.. " or "Fetching data to display... ".

Am aware that there is an attribute ChartNoDataText. I guess it displays only when chart is not feeded with

proper data.

Could anyone help me on this??

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Could you please try using ChartNoDataText="Fetching data to display..." and append it after the swf, something like:

var chart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/Area2D.swf?ChartNoDataText=Fetching data to display... ", "ChartId", "600", "275", "0", "0");

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I think what you need to do is set the following four messages:






I hope this helps!


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Resolved the issue. Used ChartNoDataText attribute.

During load of the page, I set an empty arraycollection to FusionChart and that displayed the default text.

Thanks Dhruva for your help.:)

Edited by Guest

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