
Scaling for very large and very small values in the same bar graph

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I have a horizontal stacked bar graph and am having problems with the scale of the bars. Some of the bars may have very large values (10K and up) while others may be very small (< 10). The small values usually indicate error conditions and so are very important, but the large bars "drown out" the small ones. Any ideas on solving this problem? I know some other products can provide a "broken bar" for very large bars. Anything like that in FC?




BTW, I'm currently using V2.3, but if V3 has a solution that 2.3 does not, an upgrade may be possible.








Eddie Sheffield

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Hi Eddie,

As of now, we do not have any such chart in FusionCharts which can magnify the given data. However, if you can please send me your XML data, we can try and see what customizations are possible to enhance the usability.

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