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Number formatting in ToolText

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Y-axis in my chart represents counts. I used tooltext to display just the y-axis counts alone instead of having X and Y-axis names.


I need to display numbers with comma separator for thousands like 64,000 instead of 64K. I used formatNumberScale = '0' attribute to get this done. But the numbers are formatted only on Y-Axis but not in the tool tip. Please suggest.





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Guest Rajroop





Could you please try adding toolTip='1' in the <chart> element and try again?





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It did not help. I believe that tool text is considered as a String and no formatting is applied.


I am also looking to format a number which is displayed in Caption to be formatted.


Please find the attachment for my jsp file.

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If you explicitly define tooltips the chart would show it as it is defined as String.




If you do not, the chart would show the label, (series name - where-ever applicable - optional) and value with number formatting set using number formatting attributes.

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