
Stacked chart (area) - display of negative value

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I am using stacked chart (StackedArea2D.swf) to display the series in cumulative style.




We have financial data consisting of invoices and purchase orders adding up to value called total utilization.


On top of it we have, as our last serie the value "limit available", which shows whether total utilization is below or


above "limit".




If the values are positive it's all fine, but when the "limit available" is negative it is not subtracted


from the sum of previous series (as i would expect - stacked + or - ), but it is displayed below 0 plane, as direct


negative value.




Kind regards & Thanks






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In FusionCharts, we consider each series as its own value. So, we do not subtract values from previous series - instead portray this series as negative.

If you want the previous series to be affetcted using the negative value of this series, you'll have to manipulate the data in such a way, before providing it to the chart.

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