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refresh option on angular gauge

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I just start to use Fusion ch. and i've been working around with trial version from the site. I want to use the refresh option on


angular gauge. Question: the dataStreamURL must return the data in "&value=..." form ? I have a JSP page as dataStreamURL that returns the result in this form but does not refresh. After showing first value the dial returns to 0 and remains there.








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The Get_updated_cpuload_latestval.jsp returns "&value=..." result.


This is my xml file gor the chart:




chart upperLimit="100" lowerLimit="0" gangeScaleAngle="180" gangeStartAngle="0" numberSuffix="%25" decimalPrecision="0" baseFontSize="10" dataStreamURL="Get_updated_cpuload_latestval.jsp?lowerLimit=0%26upperLimit=100" refreshInterval="8"




color minValue="0" maxValue="20" code="FF0000" borderColor="FF0000" /


color minValue="20" maxValue="40" code="33CC33" borderColor="33CC33" /


color minValue="40" maxValue="60" code="0000FF" borderColor="0000FF" /


color minValue="60" maxValue="80" code="FF6600" borderColor="FF6600" /


color minValue="80" maxValue="100" code="9966CC" borderColor="9966CC" /






dial value="6.5" bgColor="666666" radius="90" baseWidth="8" topWidth="2" /






point displayValue="13:45:36" value="6.5" /








Is based on the doc's examples.But does not refresh.



Edited by Guest

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This is my jsp page(Get_updated_cpuload_latest.jsp):




<%@page import="java.util.Random"%>




String latest_value = "";


Random rand = new Random();


latest_value = //String.valueOf(rand.nextInt(100));


"&value=" + String.valueOf(rand.nextInt(100));








Is it good?





Edited by Guest

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Can you please paste the code of JSP inline?

Or, preferably just the output of the JSP. Also, another note when using JSP:

In order to get the output without addition of any carriage-returns or tab spaces, there should not be spaces or empty lines between scriptlet tags or at the end of the page.

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I've mode it work with this content of .jsp page(code):




&value=<%=(int)(Math.random()*100) %>




Now, I have to do this update based on a value from db; tried with this code:





<%@ page import="fusioncharts.util.Constants"%>


<%@ page import="java.sql.Statement"%>


<%@ page import="java.sql.ResultSet"%>


<%@page import="java.sql.Connection"%>


<% dbConn.setOracleDBPath("");




Connection conn = dbConn.getConnection();


Statement st1 = null;


ResultSet rs1 = null;


String strQuery = "";


int value = 0;


String animateChart = "";


if (null == animateChart || animateChart.equals("")) {


animateChart = "1";




String dbName = dbConn.getDbName();


if (dbName.equals(Constants.ORACLEDB)) {


strQuery = "select dt,val from view";




try {


st1 = conn.createStatement();


} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {






rs1 = st1.executeQuery(strQuery);


while ( {


value = rs1.getInt("val");




try {


if (null != rs1) {




rs1 = null;




} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {


System.out.println("Could not close the resultset");




try {


if (null != st1) {




st1 = null;




} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {


System.out.println("Could not close the statement");




try {


if (null != conn) {




conn = null;




} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {


System.out.println("Could not close the connection");




%>&value=<%=(int) value%>




Does not refresh in this case.Is there another way to do this? Should I use JavaScript code?





Edited by Guest

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Yes, I would love to see the jsp example in the documentation "fixed" so that it actually works and reflects the exact syntax represented here that DOES work.

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