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FusionCharts v4 ?

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I have need to print chart with browser command, but not with right click. I know that v4 will function with this command.


Which is the coming out date of Fusioncharts v4?




Thanks for your answer.





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Guest Madhumita

Hi Clara,

FusionCharts V4 is scheduled to be released sometime in the second qurater of this year. ;)

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Chumba,

If I buy v3 now, will I be entitled to a free upgrade to v4?

We are currently working on v3.2, which will be released next month. It'll have a lot of features that were earlier planned for v4.

As existing customers you will get free upgrade to v3.2. Thereafter, we will resume work on v4, to which you'll again get a free upgrade.


Happy FusionCharting.

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Hi there




I am also interested to know when 3.2 will be released? I have customers chasing me to improve the charting facilities in their websites and I have been promising them an upgrade for weeks now as I was under the impression 3.2 was due for release. Back in the middle of June it was stated that it would be released next month. Well it is now August. I have already invested in time and money in Fusion Charts but I am having to seriously consider moving to another product.




Frankly if you want to stay up with your competitors and maintain your customer base and your reputation you need get your updates out a lot quicker. How long has it been since v3.1 of Fusion Charts was released?








Paul White

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Hi Paul,

Apologize for the inconvenience due to the delay in release in FusionCharts v3.2. ;)

Our developers were fixing some major issues and adding various new features to the pack.

It is an excitement for us to announce that the Beta version would be releasing in another 2 weeks from now. :P

Thanks for your continued patience and support.

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