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The example FeedData_JS.html provided in today's download of FusionGadgets v3 does not work.




It includes a js method call on the chart object named feedData.




That method does not appear in FusionCharts.js.




What's up?




Kevin Clougherty

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Doesn't appear yoy bothered to read my question in its entirety - just shot off a stock answer - incredibly unhelpful.




In FusionCharts.js in v3 there is NO METHOD named feedData. NONE, NADA, NOT THERE.




Thus, things that call feedData DO NOT WORK.




Based on your response, it is no surprise that your demos call non-existent methods.




So, do you support the method feedData, and, if not, why not??????????




Kevin Clougherty

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I'm sorry for the confusion.

feedData is not a method in FusionCharts.js. It's a method in a few of the FusionGadgets charts.

The charts from FusionGadgets expose serialized JS APIs, which do not need a reference in FusionCharts.js. They're directly accessible from JS, as long as you're able to get a reference to the chart object in DOM.

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I still get the error message 'feedData() not a function'. I just ran the example at -> feeding data using javascript.




Mozilla is reporting that 'chartRef.feedData is not a function'.




I think this feedData() function is still confusing many.




As I used the example as such, there is no question of registering the object with '1' (the last argument in 'new FusionChart()'). Moreover I am running the script behind a server (Apache).




Hope to get some useful clarification.




Thanks in advance.

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feedData is not a JavaScript function. Its a method of the Gadget (Angular, Linear, Bulb, Thermoemter,Led and Cylinder) itself which can be called by JavaScript. To call the function you need to registerWithJS the gauge while defining using new FusionCharts() method.

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