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Chart not updating with changes in showVlaues and showName

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I am using Fusion charts to display charts in Flash.I have used AS (Flex) to integrate it.


The XML required by the FCData() is generated dynamically and added.The XML is as below:


dpXML =

<chart XAxisName="" palette="1" animation="1" formatNumberScale="0" numberPrefix="" seriesNameInToolTip="" showValues="0" showNames="0">


   <category label="CreditCard1"/>

   <category label="CreditCard2"/>

   <category label="BOM_RecurringDeposit3"/>

   <category label="FixedDeposit4"/>

   <category label="HomeLoan5"/>

   <category label="BOM_RecurringDeposit6"/>

   <category label="HomeLoan7"/>

   <category label="CarLoan8"/>

   <category label="FixedDeposit9"/>



   <set value="21"/>

   <set value="19"/>

   <set value="11"/>

   <set value="6"/>

   <set value="5"/>

   <set value="5"/>

   <set value="4"/>

   <set value="4"/>

   <set value="3"/>




The chart always displays the values and name even if I set showValues="0" and showNames="0".


I am also calling below methods.




_fusionChart.FCData(new XML());








Let me know if I am missing anyting !!







Edited by Guest

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If possible, could you please provide us with the entire code.




Looking forward to your reply.





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