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X-Axis Limit Problem

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I have large amount of data to plot a graph.

Suppose i have 1000 number of properties which i have to display on x-axis of graph. ( fetching from database )

But as it is too large data to display on x-axis all propery names getting overlap and nothing is displaying on x-axis( totaly blank).

when i selectes limited number of properties ( 50 properties ) that time it is displaying properly.

But when i selects more than that it gives above mentioned problem.


This problem is specificaly appearing for bar chart only where i am using "MSColumn3D.swf".


Please provide me solution for that.




Edited by hMayuresh

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Hi Mayuresh,


Could you please try using the attribute "labelDisplay" in the <chart> element?


Using this attribute, you can customize the alignment of data labels (x-axis labels). There are 5 options: AUTO, WRAP, STAGGER, ROTATE or NONE.


By default, this attribute is set to AUTO mode which means that the alignment of the data labels is determined automatically depending on the size of the chart.

WRAP wraps the label text if it is too long to fit in one line. ROTATE rotates the labels vertically. STAGGER divides the labels into multiple lines.


Also, you can set a desired value for the attribute "labelStep" in the <chart> element.


By default, all the labels are displayed on the chart. However, if you've a set of streaming data (like name of months or days of week), you can opt to hide every n-th label for better clarity. This attributes just lets you do so. It allows to skip every n(th) X-axis label.


Hope this helps. :(

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