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Problems with Fusion Charts in Windows 2003 Server R2

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Hi, this is my problem:

I'm moving from Windows 2000 Server with IIS 5.0 to Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0, I just copy al the website to the new server, all the files etc. i give permission for executing 2.0 scripting on the server etc.  But when i try to go tothe page with a chart (any),  the chart in the page have no data. I got in the same page a small grid and the grid is fully filled. but appear that the dataset generated within the page has no data or the xml is not recognized. i don't know. But is the same file... that works fine in Windows 2000 server.

This is the code for the dataset and xml within the .aspx file

Dim strFCdataXML As String

Dim Cliente As String

Dim Anio As String

Dim Mes As String

Dim MesFin As String

Public Function getFCXMLData() As String

Dim strFCXMLData As String

'Establish a connection

Dim DS As DataSet

Dim MyConnection As sqlConnection

Dim MyCommand As sqlDataAdapter

Cliente =


Anio =


Mes =


MesFin =


MyConnection =

New sqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TW_SQL_7").ConnectionString)

MyCommand =

New sqlDataAdapter("Select Tipo = 'Polvo', Total = sum(PVenta), Orden = 3 from graficoCliente Where Cliente ='" & Cliente & "' and Anio ='" & Anio & "' and Mes between '" & Mes & "' and '" & MesFin & "' Group by Cliente, Anio Union " _


" Select Tipo = 'L

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Can you please try using FusionCharts v3 and then switch the debug mode of chart to on to see what might be causing the error?

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YOu can also have the XML in a textarea like this ..

<textarea rows='50' cols='50'><%=getFCXMLData() %></textarea>

and check whether the XML is rendered fine.

Moreover you need to see if the flash player 6 or above is installed and have permission to run.

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May be you can try removing the '& vbCrLf' that you have appended after each concatinating in ...

strFCXMLData = "<graph caption='Cliente - " & Cliente & "' shownames='1' showvalues='0' decimalPrecision='0' numberPrefix=''>" & vbCrLf

strFCXMLData = strFCXMLData & "<set name='" & DS.Tables("Ventas").Rows(i).Item("Tipo") & "' value='" & DS.Tables("Ventas").Rows(i).Item("Total") & "' color='" & strColor(i Mod 9) & "'/>" & vbCrLf


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Hi, in debug mode this is the error:

ERROR: Invalid number 25640,00000 specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.

ERROR: Invalid number 3305,00000 specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.

ERROR: Invalid number 22335,00000 specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.

ERROR: Invalid number 28492,00000 specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.

ERROR: Invalid number 4425,00000 specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.

ERROR: Invalid number 24067,00000 specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.

Thanx in advance

Edited by Guest

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Hi! Me again!

The problem was solved!

The code was ok, the charts was ok.

Seem that IIS 6.0 have new stuff about security and configuration, and the directive

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

must to be changed for


@LCID = 2058% >

In order tu apply the regional setting for Mexico in this case.

IIS 6.0 always apply US-Eng by default regional settings no matter what settings are in the server. then you must change the directive in every page where you use a different setting for money or decimal places, etc.

I hope this help to others!

Thanx to all Fussion Charts Team!


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