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Access Export Image Bitstream Before Servlet Call

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Thank you for your help on my previous posts, but I have another question. I am interested in accessing the information in the middle of the chart export process, after the flash file has scraped itself for the byte data, (or svg or whatever it is), but before it makes the servlet call to the server side export handler. I would like to package up that byte data myself and include it as part of a larger Form post. Is there any easy way to do this? I am hoping to avoid editing the fla files (if that is even possible) and would prefer to stick within javacode.





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I believe getImageData may be what I want, if I can get it to work, any confirmation would still be appreciated.





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Thanks for the response, I realized my problem was that you needed a placeholder exporthandler within the XML of the chart so that it would actually process the image. It would be nice if there was a way to get jpeg information instead of RLE, is there some kind of conversion script included in your client side export handler? Otherwise everything is well now.





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As of now the Client Side Export Component is based on Flash which converts the RLE to image etc. which is in itself a blackbox. However, if you are interested in hacking please note that our Print Manager does the same conversion (in Mozilla based borwsers) using HTML canvas object and draws the image to the canvas which you might re-use.

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