Moonmi Sonowal

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Everything posted by Moonmi Sonowal

  1. scrollcolumn2d with sql query

    Hi, Please check out the explanation and sample provide in this tutorial Let me know if it is of any help. Thanks.
  2. Error : Pie chart's pie color is not shown

    Hi, We are not getting any such issues. Can you please check out this fiddle: ? Also, do note that the files have been updated with latest version files. Please do try it out with the latest version once. Thanks.
  3. FusionChart conflicts with Prototype 1.6.1

    Hi, The linked format would only work if you have correct data format as the chart type mentioned. Please make sure the format is correct. You can also share your implementation is the js fiddle, so that we can assist you properly. Thanks
  4. scatter chart y-Axis scale

    Hi, You can control the y-axis labels by the "numDivlines" attribute.You would also have to specify the max and min values. Please refer Doc: Hope this helps. Thanks.
  5. FusionChart conflicts with Prototype 1.6.1

    Hi, The shared fiddle is linked chart fiddle. Please check out this feature from However, regarding your issue, do you want to just an url to re-direct to some other page ? Awaiting response. Thanks.
  6. Chart Export changes font in Chart

    Hi Alex, Are you using the latest version of FusionCharts? Awaiting response.
  7. [bug] Not all chart labels show on bar2d in Firefox & IE

    Hi, Can you try removing the "fontsize " and use the default font ? Fiddle: Thanks
  8. ZoomLine charts not working properly in a scrolled panel

    Hi, We have logged the issue internally for the latest version as well. We would keep you posted about any updates. Thanks.
  9. Values displayed with Legend - MS Line

    Hi, The legend position of charts can either be at bottom or at right side of the charts? Legend position right: Natively we do not support the requirement as shared in your screenshot. But as a work around you can plot custom annotations like in this fiddle: But these would not be interactive, i.e non-clickable. Ref doc. for annotations: Hope this helps.
  10. memory leak caused by Fusion charts

    Hi, Thanks for getting in touch. The FusionCharts version which you have been using (3.3.1) is Flash version. It has been deprecated since 3.4. All charts since are rendered as pure JavaScript charts. I would suggest you to try out with latest version of FusionCharts. The latest eval version can be downloaded from The plugin of AngularJS can be found in Ref. doc. Method: Hope this helps.
  11. Zoomline chart does not display x-axis correctly

    Hi, Please check this fiddle: I have commented out the attributes, causing the issue. Can you please check if it suites your requirement ? Awaiting feedback.
  12. V 3.10.1 StackedBar3D has defective dataset structure

    Hi Ron, The dataset structure for Stacked Bar 3D chart has not changed from 3.8 to 3.10.1 . Ref. 3.8 Latest: Code structure: { "chart": { }, "categories": [{ "category": [{ "label": "Q1" }....] }], "dataset": [{ "seriesname": "Food Products", "data": [{ "value": "121000" }, ... ] }, { "seriesname": "Non-Food Products", "data": [{ "value": "131400" }, .... ] }] } Can please cross check it once. Thanks.
  13. Intercepting Multi-level Pie click events

    Hi, Could you please try with the "dataPlotClick" property for the click of the plot and check if it works for you ? Doc. Fiddle : Do share your views. Thanks.
  14. Tooltip overflows chart container

    Hi, Thanks for the forum post to report the issue. We have logged an improvement for it internally. We will keep you posted about any updates. Until then your support and patience is appreciated. Thanks.
  15. Hi, Can you check this sample for multi-series chart from drop-box link ? Hope this helps. Thanks.
  16. Hi, Since, you are a newbie in FusionCharts, I would suggest you to start off with static charts . Once, done you can move ahead with using the wrappers provided by FusionCharts for , Php, Java and ROR. Documentation : The for JAVA wrapper and examples can be found below: Hope this helps.
  17. V 3.10.1 StackedBar3D has defective dataset structure

    Hi Ron, Thanks for the forum post. Could you please confirm if you have updated the PHP wrapper as well ? The wrapper has been updated in the recent versions . Can you please check this sample once : ? Do share your views.
  18. realtimeline label position bug

    Hi, We have logged a but for it internally. We will keep you posted about any updates. Until then your support and patience is appreciated. Thanks
  19. zoomline hover-labels in line2d & stackedarea2d

    Hi, Currently this is as much can be achieved with annotation events. Thanks.
  20. zoomline hover-labels in line2d & stackedarea2d

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Posts. Regarding your supported issue, can you check out this fiddle for msline charts. It has created using annotation events. Do check it out and share your views. Thanks.
  21. FusionCharts Angular 2 plugin

    Hi Sasidhar, We have raised a new feature request for the same internally at our end. We will keep you posted about any updates. Thanks.
  22. Hi Chris, Please check out the following points at your end: 1. If the chart type is correct. For Gantt chart, the type should be "Gantt". The .swf extension and files are no longer required. 2. Do check if you have all the correct files at your end. fusioncharts.js fusioncharts.widgets.js fusioncharts.gantt.js Once, checked please do share your feedback. Thanks.
  23. Angular Plugin and ie8

    Hi Travis, Apologies for the wrong response sent out for your query. FusionCharts with AngularJS will not be supported for IE8. Thanks.
  24. Angular Plugin and ie8

    Hi, You can download the latest plugin from I would suggest you to refer our doc. from If you face any issue, please feel free to revert back to us. Thanks.
  25. Angular FusionCharts is not defined problem

    Hi, Can you refer the fiddle ? (it has been updated with latest FusionCharts and angular plugin) It only happens when the fusioncharts js files are not present in the intended folder. and ref. doc: Please re-check with the files and the sample shared. Thanks.