Ayan Bhadury

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Everything posted by Ayan Bhadury

  1. Joomla plugin is not maintained anymore, you can use FusionCharts and render the charts there using the latest version 3.15.2
  2. Hi, The error seems to be happening because of caching, please reload the page clearing the browser cache, or check the page in incognito mode and share your observations. Thanks, Ayan
  3. Hi, When upgrading from flash to the latest JavaScript version, .swf files are not required, you would only require the js files. Please check this link for more help - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/upgrading/from-flash-to-javascript Thanks, Ayan
  4. error

    Hi Ana, Please let me know the FusionCharts version you are using so that I could assist you accordingly. Thanks, Ayan
  5. Cylinder Chart demo in React

    Hi, Here is a demo in react - https://codesandbox.io/s/xenodochial-mestorf-5r3zu?file=/src/App.js Thanks, Ayan
  6. XLS export not working

    Hi, You need to include the necessary lib files to render charts, for example, to render column chart - fusioncharts.js, fusioncharts.charts.js is required Similarly, for Gantt you need the following fusioncharts.js, fusioncharts.widgets.js & fusioncharts.gantt.js Please note based on your license you would get the lib files accordingly, if you do not have purchase FusionChartsXT you will not get fusioncharts.charts.js, please drop a mail to [email protected] for more details.
  7. XLS export not working

    Hi, Sorry in order to export the chart in xlsx you need to upgrade to the latest version 3.15.2 For the other query yes you need to replace the library files with the latest version, also the code which you are using are flash-based and few of the methods are now deprecated, please refer the above sample above you need to use the code accordingly, also here is a glimpse what you need to modify 1 - Methods like setCurrentRenderer, setDataXml is now deprecated. 2 - Passing the parameters as shown in the snippet below has been now changed var chart_WBSGantt = new FusionCharts("Gantt", "WBSGantt", "100%", "224", "0", "0", "", "noScale", "EN" ); Instead, it now passes the parameters in an object like manner under the ready method, which is shown in step 3 3 - Finally based on all the above points please check this modified demo which will work at your end with the latest version 3.15.2 - http://jsfiddle.net/7fj5cdto/ With this above example, you would be able to export the charts in the xlsx format as well. Hope this helps. Thanks, Ayan
  8. XLS export not working

    Hi, Please upgrade to the latest version of FusionCharts 3.15.2 to export the chart data in xlsx format- http://jsfiddle.net/7fj5cdto/ Please note only tasks data will be exported.
  9. Map is not rendering on mobile device

    Hi, To render India map you need to include following javascript library files of FusionCharts, in the following order: fusioncharts.js fusioncharts.maps.js fusioncharts.india.js Thanks, Ayan
  10. Excel export

    Please share a demo replicating the problem along with all the dependencies, with the steps to execute the project so that I could check at my end.
  11. Hi, You can use color attribute at the data level and set the color of the plots accordingly, here is a demo -http://jsfiddle.net/y4askrzw/ Thanks, Ayan
  12. Combination 2D bar chart

    Hi, As of now, you can not have a combination of a bar (horizontal) and a line plot in the same graph. Since for line plots, the orientation of the axis is different than that of bar plots. Thanks, Ayan
  13. Excel export

    Here is a PHP implementation - https://repl.it/repls/RightMonumentalSymbols#index.php Live link - https://rightmonumentalsymbols--five-nine.repl.co/
  14. Excel export

    It will be saved to the location you have specified, if you could restrict the download to the user you can implement that at your end. FusionCharts natively does not provide the option.
  15. Excel export

    Please check the demo - http://jsfiddle.net/7twk8g46/
  16. Excel export

    Hi, Please let us know which chart type are you using, also the FusionCharts version you are using so that we could check accordingly.
  17. Charts load on one site but not on cloned site

    Hi, Both the above URL is rendering the charts, could you please share some more insights about the issue you are facing so that I can check accordingly.
  18. zoomscatter not working when scatter does.

    Zoomscatter chart deals with a large number of data plots with a zooming option hence at the first view if the image is added to the anchor for all the plots then the visualization will not be good. Hence anchorImageUrl is not supported.
  19. zoomscatter not working when scatter does.

    Okay please include fusioncharts.zoomscatter.js library file after where you have included fusioncharts.js
  20. zoomscatter not working when scatter does.

    Hi, Considering the tech stack to be Angular you need to import fusioncharts.zoomscatter.js to render zoom scatter chart, here is a snippet below // Import angular-fusioncharts import { FusionChartsModule } from 'angular-fusioncharts'; // Import FusionCharts library and chart modules import * as FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts'; import * as Charts from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts'; import * as ZoomScatter from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.zoomscatter'; import * as FusionTheme from 'fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion'; // Pass the fusioncharts library and chart modules FusionChartsModule.fcRoot(FusionCharts, Charts, ZoomScatter FusionTheme);
  21. Problem trying to render in Wordpress

    Hi Steve, Based on the above problem it seems like the XML file is not loading properly, please check the implementation once also check if there is any firewall blocking it to load, also since you are using PHP if you could share $readchartfilename response that is the XML file, I could try it out at my end and share the observations. Thanks, Ayan