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About yhooithin05
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yhooithin05 started following Fusion Time custom range selector (initial interval) not working, change font size of fusion chart, Applying theme in fusion time series and and 1 other
Hi @Akash Biswas I am facing problem in changing the font size on caption as well as the chart base size in asp.net back end. I tried both of the codes also not success...Can you help me please? timeSeries.AddAttribute("caption", "{ text:'Particle Counter (10K)',captionFontSize:'7'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("captionFontSize", "{value:'5'}") Thanks. Hooi Thin
Hi, I am rendering my chart on back end (VB.net), i cannot make it works on back end using --> timeSeries.AddAttribute("chart", "{theme:'candy'}") Meanwhile, i do not know how to properly define on javascript using 'beforerender' event and setChartAttribute , its still stick to fusion theme and not get the candy theme to be render out, i don't know which part is wrong. Please help urgently! setTimeout(function () { FusionCharts.items["particlecounter_1k_chart"].addEventListener("beforerender", function (ev) { FusionCharts.items["particlecounter_1k_chart"].setChartAttribute("theme", "candy"); console.log(ev); }); }, 1000); Regards, Hooi Thin
Hi All, I am here to get help on how to rearrange the order for the legend on fusion time chart. For eg: Legend D,F,A,E,B,C and i would like to rearrange them to A,B,C,D,E,F I have tried reverseLegend but couldnt get it to work. timeSeries.AddAttribute("legend", "{enabled:'1',reverseLegend:'1'}") - VB.net I cannot find any documentation for this attribute, can anyone help me pls? Thanks in advance!
Fusion Time chart extract data from database taking long time
yhooithin05 posted a topic in FusionCharts and ASP
Hi, I am using fusion time with vb.net and MySQL database to populate the time series chart, i would like to allow user to pick desired date within 5 weeks on the custom range selector (calendar control), and i am using for loop at the back end to retrieve the huge data from database so it definitely will consume long time to render the chart (around 1 minute), just want to ask any advise if any other method to populate the json string to load the chart in fast? Thanks! Using client As WebClient = New WebClient() schema = ("[{name:'SensorName',type:'string'}, {name: 'Time',type:'date', format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p'}, {name:'Particle Counter Value',type:'number'}] ") selectPCounter = " SELECT * FROM tbtestdata where sampledate >= '2020-12-24' AND sampledate <= '2021-01-27' " Dim dt As New DataTable dt = conn.query(selectPCounter) If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then data.Append("[") For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1 If i <> dt.Rows.Count - 1 Then data.Append("['" + dt.Rows(i)("SensorName").ToString + "','" + dt.Rows(i)("SampleDate").ToString + " " + dt.Rows(i)("SampleTime").ToString + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows(i)("SampleValue").ToString + "'],") Else data.Append("['" + dt.Rows(i)("SensorName").ToString + "','" + dt.Rows(i)("SampleDate").ToString + " " + dt.Rows(i)("SampleTime").ToString + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows(i)("SampleValue").ToString + "']]") End If Next End If End Using Dim fusionTable As FusionTable = New FusionTable(schema, data.ToString) Dim timeSeries As TimeSeries = New TimeSeries(fusionTable) timeSeries.AddAttribute("caption", "{ text:'Particle Counter' }") timeSeries.AddAttribute("subcaption", "{text:'Daily'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("chart", "{exportEnabled:'1'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("yAxis", "[{plot: {value: 'Particle Counter Value',type:'line'},title: 'PC', series: 'SensorName' }]") Dim chart As Chart = New Chart("timeseries", "first_chart", "1600", "700", "json", timeSeries) ltChart.Text = chart.Render()-
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Fusion Time custom range selector (initial interval) not working
yhooithin05 posted a topic in FusionCharts and ASP.NET
Hi, I am beginner on using fusion time, i am using vb.net with MySQL database, i would like to enable only 35 days on the calendar, currently when the page load to render the chart, it will takes too long time to load 35 days data on the chart(configure by back end coding). I wanted to just show by default only 1 week of data to display on the chart, and the calendar would like to enable 35 days for user to pick their desired timeframe. But i am not able to set the interval correctly, can anyone help? Thanks. Dim fusionTable As FusionTable = New FusionTable(schema, data.ToString) Dim timeSeries As TimeSeries = New TimeSeries(fusionTable) timeSeries.AddAttribute("caption", "{ text:'Particle Counter' }") timeSeries.AddAttribute("subcaption", "{text:'Daily'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("navigator", "{enabled:'0'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("xAxis", "{initialinterval:{from: '2020-12-24', to:'2020-12-30'}}")----------> i am not able to make this work timeSeries.AddAttribute("yAxis", "[{plot: {value: 'Particle Counter Value',type:'line'},title: 'Pt 1 0.5', series: 'SensorName' }]") Dim chart As Chart = New Chart("timeseries", "first_chart", "1600", "700", "json", timeSeries) ltChart.Text = chart.Render()