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Found 11 results

  1. Format Number in Fusiontime

    Hi, how to format display Number in fusiontime? I want format like 10.000,745 but I only get raw data which is 10000.745 I can't find in the documentation. I am using fusionchart 3.18^ in reactjs code: tooltip: { enabled: true, toolText: `xxx : $series.0.dataValue <br> <b>$bin</b><br> Konfirmasi Baru: $series.0.dataValue<br>Sembuh: <b>$series.1.dataValue</b> <br> Meninggal: <b>$series.2.dataValue</b>`, },
  2. Hi, When the value of the aggregation property is set on last on a fusiontime chart, I expect to systematically get the last value of the chart shown when data are aggregated. Here : 9 177 € should refer to 18/10/2010 Instead, when the chart is zoomed in, another value is shown (9172 instead of 9177) It looks like Fusiontime shows the value of the previous day This error depends on the charts. It seems to be a random behaviour. Any guess ? Thank you.
  3. Hi All, I am here to get help on how to rearrange the order for the legend on fusion time chart. For eg: Legend D,F,A,E,B,C and i would like to rearrange them to A,B,C,D,E,F I have tried reverseLegend but couldnt get it to work. timeSeries.AddAttribute("legend", "{enabled:'1',reverseLegend:'1'}") - I cannot find any documentation for this attribute, can anyone help me pls? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi, I am using fusion time with and MySQL database to populate the time series chart, i would like to allow user to pick desired date within 5 weeks on the custom range selector (calendar control), and i am using for loop at the back end to retrieve the huge data from database so it definitely will consume long time to render the chart (around 1 minute), just want to ask any advise if any other method to populate the json string to load the chart in fast? Thanks! Using client As WebClient = New WebClient() schema = ("[{name:'SensorName',type:'string'}, {name: 'Time',type:'date', format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p'}, {name:'Particle Counter Value',type:'number'}] ") selectPCounter = " SELECT * FROM tbtestdata where sampledate >= '2020-12-24' AND sampledate <= '2021-01-27' " Dim dt As New DataTable dt = conn.query(selectPCounter) If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then data.Append("[") For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1 If i <> dt.Rows.Count - 1 Then data.Append("['" + dt.Rows(i)("SensorName").ToString + "','" + dt.Rows(i)("SampleDate").ToString + " " + dt.Rows(i)("SampleTime").ToString + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows(i)("SampleValue").ToString + "'],") Else data.Append("['" + dt.Rows(i)("SensorName").ToString + "','" + dt.Rows(i)("SampleDate").ToString + " " + dt.Rows(i)("SampleTime").ToString + "'," + "'" + dt.Rows(i)("SampleValue").ToString + "']]") End If Next End If End Using Dim fusionTable As FusionTable = New FusionTable(schema, data.ToString) Dim timeSeries As TimeSeries = New TimeSeries(fusionTable) timeSeries.AddAttribute("caption", "{ text:'Particle Counter' }") timeSeries.AddAttribute("subcaption", "{text:'Daily'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("chart", "{exportEnabled:'1'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("yAxis", "[{plot: {value: 'Particle Counter Value',type:'line'},title: 'PC', series: 'SensorName' }]") Dim chart As Chart = New Chart("timeseries", "first_chart", "1600", "700", "json", timeSeries) ltChart.Text = chart.Render()
  5. Hi, I am beginner on using fusion time, i am using with MySQL database, i would like to enable only 35 days on the calendar, currently when the page load to render the chart, it will takes too long time to load 35 days data on the chart(configure by back end coding). I wanted to just show by default only 1 week of data to display on the chart, and the calendar would like to enable 35 days for user to pick their desired timeframe. But i am not able to set the interval correctly, can anyone help? Thanks. Dim fusionTable As FusionTable = New FusionTable(schema, data.ToString) Dim timeSeries As TimeSeries = New TimeSeries(fusionTable) timeSeries.AddAttribute("caption", "{ text:'Particle Counter' }") timeSeries.AddAttribute("subcaption", "{text:'Daily'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("navigator", "{enabled:'0'}") timeSeries.AddAttribute("xAxis", "{initialinterval:{from: '2020-12-24', to:'2020-12-30'}}")----------> i am not able to make this work timeSeries.AddAttribute("yAxis", "[{plot: {value: 'Particle Counter Value',type:'line'},title: 'Pt 1 0.5', series: 'SensorName' }]") Dim chart As Chart = New Chart("timeseries", "first_chart", "1600", "700", "json", timeSeries) ltChart.Text = chart.Render()
  6. I'm trying to find a way to display a timeseries in FusionTime but is a user's local timezome. Ideally to pass an argument with requested timezone? I haven't found any documentation in the docs
  7. [FusionTime] Binning second

    In the following jsfiddle, why i can't zoom into the second granularity, even though my data source has a data point per second, and I've configured binning for seconds.
  8. Hi, I'm playing around with the FusionTime library and stumbled across the setChartAttribute function: How can I use this function with nested properties? I tried it like this: chart.setChartAttribute('navigator', {enabled : false}); chart.setChartAttribute('navigator.enabled', false); chart.setChartAttribute({navigator : {enabled : false}}); but nothing worked out. I'd also like to know how to set certain properties, like 'type'. Since the documentation states that 'type' expects a number, I tried this: chart.setChartAttribute("type", 1); chart.setChartAttribute("type", 0); chart.setChartAttribute("type", "1"); chart.setChartAttribute({type: 1}); And I also tried using 'area' or 'column' instead of the number, but that didn't work out either. How do I use this function? Can I even use this without reloading everything? Kind regards mnowotny
  9. I use FusionTime for ploting time series and it works great but I noticed a bug with FusionTime recently. As you can see in the attached screenshot, there is a shift in the plot after the 27th of october. Looking more precisely, it appears that the probleme lays in the method fusionDataStore.createDataTable(data, schema). My input data are : const data = [ ["2019-10-20", 1], ["2019-10-21", 2], ["2019-10-22", 3], ["2019-10-23", 4], ["2019-10-24", 5], ["2019-10-25", 6], ["2019-10-26", 7], ["2019-10-27", 8], ["2019-10-28", 9], ["2019-10-29", 10], ["2019-10-30", 11] ]; const schema = [ { name: "Time", type: "date", format: "%Y-%m-%d" }, { name: "Grocery Sales Value", type: "number" } ]; The result given by fusionDataStore.createDataTable(data, schema)._data is : [ [1571522400000, 1], [1571608800000, 2], [1571695200000, 3], [1571781600000, 4], [1571868000000, 5], [1571954400000, 6], [1572040800000, 7], [1572127200000, 8], [1572217200000, 9], [1572303600000, 10], [1572390000000, 11] ] As you can notice, there is a duplicate in the timestamp 1572127200000. A complete example of the problem is available in this sandbox : Maybe a pb with summer/winter time ? Thanks!
  10. Hello, we've been using fusioncharts for more than 5 years already and we're really excited about fusiontime charts. They fit our requirements very well because most of the time we want to display timeseries data. We request our data with a stepping parameter to ensure we don't have to wait several seconds for the response. We then want to fetch more dense data when we zoom in/adjust the timerange. Here's an example of how we would like to use it: Load data of the last 100 days with a stepping of 30 minutes for each data point. Zoom into the last week Load (add) data of the last week with a stepping of 5 minutes for each data point. Zoom out to the last 100 days Data is already available. The dense data should be binned by fusiontime like it's already implemented. I read the fusiontime guide but I didn't found any event or anything comparable to load data for a certain timerange. If there's a way to do this please let me know! Kind regards mnowotny
  11. Hi community I'm using the integration angular-fusioncharts v3.0.1 with our project which is developed with angular version 4, and it presents an issue when the timeseries chart (Fusiontime) is rendered on safari browser. The line is out of the x-axis when the user handle the time navigator, and also the time navigator has a background color gray. I test in safari versions, 12, 11.1 and 10.1, MacOS versions Mojave, Sierra and High Sierra We have implemented fusioncharts latest version 3.11.4 which contains fusiontime latest version v1 For more specifics, our project is built with angular v4.3.1 I'll very glad to you could support me, Thank you Greetings