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Found 6 results

  1. Is there any way to switch/flip x and y-axis in timeseries chart? E.g. y-axis represents the time, and x-axis represents the values. It will be a vertical chart instead of a horizontal one. One workaround in my mind is to rotate the entire div, but the label text will rotate too. That is not what I want. Another way is to edit the data source, but I am not sure if it will work. Thank you!
  2. Hi, I have a new request. Currently, we cannot do whatever we want about the y-axis. I mean we should be able to specify what values we want to show exactly. Whatever are the values in the dataset or whatever is the height of the graph, I want to be able to specify exactly y axis labels needed : in example if I want to have 25% 50% 75% or 10% 20% etc or 22% 44% 88% or 7% 14% 21% etc... etc... How could I do this ? I don't think it's possible with FS at this time. A new functionality related to this could be very nice to be developed I think. What do you think ?
  3. Adding the <axis> as strXML prevents the chart from Rendering. $strXML .="<axis title='item 2014' tickwidth='10' divlinedashed='1'>"; $strXML .="<dataset seriesName='item 2014' >"; if ($result2) { while($ors1 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $strXML .= "<set value='".$ors1['item']."' />"; } } $strXML .= "</dataset>"; $strXML .="</axis>"; $strXML .="<axis title='item 2015' tickwidth='10' divlinedashed='1'>"; $result3 = mysql_query($strQuery15) or die(mysql_error()); $strXML .="<dataset seriesName='item 2015'>"; if ($result3) { while($ors1 = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { $strXML .= "<set value='".$ors1['item']."' />"; } } $strXML .= "</dataset>"; $strXML .="</axis>"; $strXML .="<axis title='item 2016' numdivlines='10' tickwidth='10' divlinedashed='1'>"; $result4 = mysql_query($strQuery16) or die(mysql_error()); $strXML .="<dataset seriesName='item 2016'>"; if ($result4) { while($ors1 = mysql_fetch_array($result4)) { $strXML .= "<set value='".$ors1['item']."' />"; } } mysql_close($link); $strXML .= "</dataset></axis>";
  4. Hello - Have been using FusionChart eval version to play with the scatterplot to display a set of points. Everything works and looks great, chart visualization is very cool! Set the x-axis at particular intervals has been a challenge, i.e., want to display 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 but displays only 0.0001, 1 and 10. Am using the 'categories' but doesn't seem to be working as expected, or I may have missed something. Could you please look at the function below and suggest any changes. As you can notice in the attached image, data coming from the JSON string has values spread across from 0.0001 through 4+. Thanks in advance. function buildScatterplot(scatterplotData) { console.log("building scatterplot") console.log(scatterplotData) var jsonData = JSON.parse(scatterplotData) var pchartData = document.getElementById('pscatterchartHidden').value; var percentileChart = new FusionCharts({ type: 'scatter', width: '640', height: '480', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": "Percentile Distribution by Scenario", "subcaption": "", "showBorder": "0", "bgcolor": "#ffffff", "yaxisname": "Percentile (%)", "xaxisname": "PEC (µg/L)", "captionFontSize": "16", "baseFontColor": "#333333", "baseFont": "Trebuchet MS", "anchorBgColor": "#FF0000", "showHoverEffect": "1", "showaxislines": "1", "showXAxisLine": "1", "xaxisminvalue": "0", "xaxismaxvalue": "10", "yaxisminvalue": "0", "yaxismaxvalue": "100", "showDivLineValues": "1", "anchorradius": "2", "rotateYAxisName": "1", "decimals": "5", "plotTooltext": "<div id='valueDiv'>Percentile: $yDataValue, PEC: $xDataValue</div>" }, "categories": [{ "category": [{ "x": "0.0001", "label": "0.0001", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "x": "0.001", "label": "0.001", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "x": "0.01", "label": "0.01", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "x": "0.1", "label": "0.1", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "x": "1", "label": "1", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "x": "10", "label": "10", "showverticalline": "1" }] }], "dataset": [ { "color": "#D77D00", "anchorsides": "4", "anchorradius": "6", "anchorbgcolor": "#D77D00", "anchorbordercolor": "#D77D00", "decimals": "5", //"data": [<%= pDataChart%>] 'data': jsonData } ] } }); percentileChart.render("scatterplotContainer"); };
  5. Hi My question is the following, why we cannot set alternate grid color in Dual Y Charts?, it looks like the chart always shows the divisional lines in the same position, so I wonder why this is not possible if the div lines are in the same place. Thanks
  6. Hi, Can you help me with a simple chart I am trying to configure? I have a small set of data as follows Schedule As of Jan 2014 Current Forecast Nov-2018 Original Contract Nov-2016 and I need to create a chart as attached. The issue I am having is it doesn't seem to recognise dates as a scale on the y-axis. I can only set value for the y-axis min and max as numbers and the bars do not show. Is this possible? Any advice would be much appreciated.