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Found 6 results

  1. I'm new to FusionCharts and am currently evaluating it for use in a Angular 5.x project. Chrome and Edge browsers are working as expected but I receive a SCRIPT1006: Syntax Error with IE11. I followed the instructions provided in the Dev Center portion of the website Is there some additional steps required for older browser support? Thanks! FusionChart versions being used: fusioncharts: 3.13.1 angular-fusioncharts: 2.0.0
  2. Pie2D small chart size

    Hello, I've been using fusioncharts 3.9 and have encountered my data portion of my pie charts are very small when I set the size of the chart to '100%', '100%'. The chart, including of the background, is the size of the parent div, but the pie chart itself is so small as to be unusable. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Every text item on my chart is underlined in Firefox and Chrome but not in IE11. I do NOT want the underlines but cannot figure out how to eliminate them.
  4. I have implemented the ability to export charts via client side. The "Export chart" menu works perfectly fine in Chrome and Firefox as I can select my desired export choice and export the chart accordingly. However, when I attempt to do the same in IE11 I cannot select my export file type from the selection list. The list appears but when I click the "Export chart icon but I cannot select any of the items on the list.
  5. hello, I have a series of webpages that use RealTimeArea.swf to graph the number of calls coming in. In IE8 and 9, the chart fills the whole space, but in IE 10, 11, chrome and firefox, the chart only uses 1/2 of the space. We are using the flash render of Fusion for all of this. I have enclosed an image of both, and a copy of the code that we use to create and populate it with data. is there a setting that we are missing? we are using flash Thanks Geordi fusion chart code.txt
  6. Hi.. I am using fusion chart server side export. I have done it as explained in this tutorial. It is working on IE8,IE9,IE10, Chrome and Mozilla. BUT it has problem with IE11. I have checked by debugging and found that I am getting objRtn.statusCode 0 after chart export in FC_Exported function. Is that IE11 issue and if yes what is the solution ? Thanks in advance