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Export multiple charts

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i want to export images from two charts within the same page. To do so, i'm using the saveAsImage() JS Function on both charts from an onClick button event. I'm also using the FusionChartsSave.aspx page from your samples to create the images.






< asp : Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Save Report" OnClientClick="saveChart()" / >







function saveChart()




//Get chart from its ID


var chartToPrint = getChartFromId('chart1');




chartToPrint = getChartFromId('chart2');









It's working quite well, i'm getting both prompts for image downloads but sometimes i'm only getting the first image and not the second (when the time between the two request is too long, i think)




Is there a better way to achieve this ?



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What I feel is that both images are getting generated properly, but because of download dialog being forced at the same time, only of them is displayed. You can configure your ASP.NET script to cache all images for a session (if feasible), zip it and provide as a single download.

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I just want to ensure that do you have chartToPrint.saveAsImage() function in your FusionCharts.js. If yes, Can you please send only that FusionCharts.js at Or If can send me the code of only chartToPrint.saveAsImage() function .It would be very very beneficial to me.






Thanks in advance.

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My requirement is to create a pdf file out of those images generated using saveasImage?.

I am using the eval version on PHP Windows,I have modified the ImageSaving.php to create a file on the server itself.

But I have around 5 charts loaded on the same page and would all of them to be created on the server. On the first submit control moves to the php page and quits.

Can someone help me in achieving this.

Thanks, Guna

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