
@version fusioncharts/3.3.1-sr2.19840 Zoomline chart ToolText not working

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I have licenece version of fusion chart. i have added one zoom line chart which has tool tip for each dataplot. but, it does not display toolTip for any Dataplot.

Here is my Fusion charts Licenece details

 FusionCharts JavaScript Library
 Copyright FusionCharts Technologies LLP
 License Information at <http://www.fusioncharts.com/license>

 @version fusioncharts/3.3.1-sr2.19840

 @attributions (infers respective third-party copyrights)
 Raphael 2.1.0 (modified as "Red Raphael") <http://raphaeljs.com/license.html>
 SWFObject v2.2 (modified) <http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/>
 JSON v2 <http://www.JSON.org/js.html>
 jQuery 1.8.3 <http://jquery.com/>
 Firebug Lite 1.3.0 <http://getfirebug.com/firebuglite>


Here is my Zoomline chart XML :

<chart caption="My Chart (11/15/2013 - 11/21/2013)" numVisibleLabels="7" xAxisName="Date" yAxisName="LPM (%)" yAxisMaxValue="100" yAxisMinValue="8" bgColor="BBBBBB,FFFFFF" lineColor="FFFFFF" lineThickness="2" showShadow="0" anchorBgColor="FFFFFF" anchorBorderColor="FFFFFF" anchorBorderThickness="2" baseFontColor="545454" basefontsize="10" labelDisplay="rotate" slantLabels="1" setAdaptiveYMin="1" borderColor="666666" scrollColor="DDDDDD" palette="3" numDivLines="6" html5ExportHandler="index.php" displayStartIndex = "4" displayEndIndex="10" anchorMinRenderDistance="10" >
        <category label = "11/15/13" />
        <category label = "11/16/13" />
        <category label = "11/17/13" />
        <category label = "11/18/13" />
        <category label = "11/19/13" />
        <category label = "" />
        <category label = "" />
        <category label = "11/20/13" />
        <category label = "" />
        <category label = "11/21/13" />
        <set value = "18" toolText="7:02 AM 90 LPM" />
        <set value = "10" toolText="7:02 AM 50 LPM" />
        <set value = "28" toolText="7:02 AM 140 LPM" />
        <set value = "40" toolText="7:01 AM 200 LPM" />
        <set value = "100" toolText="7:01 AM 500 LPM" />
        <set value = "20" toolText="7:23 AM 100 LPM" />
        <set value = "20" toolText="7:25 AM 100 LPM" />
        <set value = "8" toolText="7:01 AM 40 LPM" />
        <set value = "20" toolText="8:57 AM 100 LPM" />
        <set value = "40" toolText="2:00 AM 200 LPM" />
            <style name="captionFont" type="font" font="Verdana" size="12" color="474343" bold="1"/>
            <apply toObject="Caption" styles="captionFont" />
        <line startvalue="8"  endValue="60" displayvalue=" " color="ff8f8f" isTrendZone="1" showOnTop="0" alpha="100" valueOnRight="1"/>
        <line startvalue="60"  endValue="80" displayvalue=" " color="ffe373" isTrendZone="1" showOnTop="0" alpha="100" valueOnRight="1"/>
        <line startvalue="80"  endValue="100" displayvalue=" " color="8fc773" isTrendZone="1" showOnTop="0" alpha="100" valueOnRight="1"/>
please help. i have to show toolTip for each dataplot.

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Guest Sumedh



'toolText' attribute is not supported for ZoomLine chart.


To enhance the performance of Zoomline charts, cross-hair has been implemented which will depict tooltip and related features.So, this is an intended behavior of the Zoomline chart.


Hope this helps!

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Thank you for reply. and  i got the point that its not possible to add toolText in zoomline chart.
but, is it possible to change or customize css of Tooltip which comes on hover of Dataplot?

Edited by hasina

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With this Version, when i enable Download zoomline Chart as Image, then it gives me following Error.

Url : http://export.api3.fusioncharts.com/
Response :

statusMessage=About to transcode 1 SVG file(s) Converting a55c3d77c239ab0b5d5d1f5568d94934.svg to batik/temp/a55c3d77c239ab0b5d5d1f5568d94934.jpg ... ... error (SVGConverter.error.while.rasterizing.file)

Isn't it possible to download Image of Zoomline chart in Version 3.3.1?

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Guest Sumedh

Hi Hasina,


No, at present, its not possible to customize the css of tooltip.


I am looking into the export related issue and I will update you soon.

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Guest Sumedh

Hi Hasina,


I have forwarded the issue of export to the Engineering team and I will update you accordingly.

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Guest Sashibhusan


Thank you for your patience.

Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts v3.4 that includes the fix for exporting ZoomLine chart to images/PDF, a lot of new features and enhancements?

You can see the upcoming new docs at http://docs.fusioncharts.com and new additions at http://docs.fusioncharts.com/tutorial-setup-whats-new.html.

I hope this helps. Looking forward to your valuable feedback.

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I have large no. of data points that need to be plotted in Line chart. Initially, we started using the MSLINE chart since it has all features what customer needs. BUT right now it takes almost 20 sec to get render in client. Interestingly, server side logic took just 2 sec (completed business process & prepared JSON & sent it to Client) and rest all it for drawing in the screen.


So, when we started looking other chart types we ended up in zoomLine chart. it works relatively faster than MSLINE, But we stuck at showing seriesName along with DataValue when hover on it. If it's just show value won't be help user anyways.


Please find attached screen shot for reference and help me !!


I am open to go with any other chart type,which has similar to line chart OR any help on showing the Series name along with Data Value in ZOOMLINE.





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Hi Vijay,


Please note that to enhance the performance of Zoomline charts, cross-hair has been implemented which will depict tooltip and related feature and hence series name cannot be plotted along with dataVAlue to be displayed on tooltip. 


Hope the information is helpful.

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