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Getting chart slice index

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In my collaboration tool, I need to capture the slice event and programatically slice the same chart on a different browser.


The function slicePlotItem() requires an index for the data item to be sliced, but the data argument of slicingStart (or slicingEnd) does not contain this index.


How do you suggest determining the index of the sliced data?





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Yes, isSliced in dataPlotClick does not seem to report the sliced state at the time of clicking, only the initial state of the slice.  I need to know the state immediately after the click, hence my use of slicingStart and slicingEnd.  


My solution to getting the index is to store the state of all slices in slicingStart, then compare with the states in slicingEnd.  See my post in General Usage.


However, providing the index in slicingStart and slicingEnd would remove the need for this.  Please include this in the future.

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