Rama Rao

Error : Pie chart's pie color is not shown

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     There are strange issue that only pie2d chart is not getting rendered properly but all other charts work fine. I'm unable to find the issue.

Here is how pie chart looks after rendering. Everything gets rendered properly except pie's color is not shown.


Current Fusion Chart version : 3.7.1 and we are using Fusion charts with Angular JS.




Can somebody help me to find the issue.(data is attached pie-chart-data.txt )


Thanks & Regards,



Edited by Rama Rao

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I have exacly the same issue but only on firefox. The JS FIDDLE works but i don't understand my error.

I copied and pasted the code into my website deleting all JS or CSS to see how it works... and it doesn't.


Have you got any solution and known error?



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Please check whether you have included the library files of FusionCharts or not also check whether you are using the latest version of FusionCharts i.e. 3.11.3 or not.


We have checked it from our end in firefox and is working fine from our end.

For further details you take take this sample fiddle link as reference http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/hLhjhft8/


A sample screenshot is attached below 


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