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Export causes page refresh

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I'm working on an ASP.NET site that contains FusionChart (v 3.10.1) charts with the exportEnabled option set to true, and using the export.api3 URL to handle the image processing.  However, whenever a user clicks on the button to save the image the page reloads/refreshes in addition to the image being saved.


I know less about the HTML side than the code-behind, but the best I can tell is that a form on the page contains a default postback method with the page's URL, and that's being called when the export is executed.  Is this common?  Is there a way to fix this, from either the chart's end or the form's end?  The form, by the way, is used to contain a couple of asp elements.


Any insights would be most appreciated.



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Hi Emilio,
Thanks for the query.
The export menu button won't initiate post back event that's why the page is not getting refreshed / reloaded. 
For further reference please check the demo downloaded from the below given link.
Please check chart_asp.aspx page the said issue is not there from our end.
Hope this will help you.


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