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Fusion chart not showing smaller scale values.

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Fusion chart doesn't show-up the smaller values in the chart.


Is their any way to do it ?




For example :


If i'm having the following two values in chart,but the smaller one "12" is not displayed .



set value='12'




set value='144443485'



I need this because i'm having some script embedded and the user should be able to click it.


Any solution ?







Edited by Guest

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Right,The value is rendered on the chart but the column is so small that it is not seen in the chart.So i'm not able to click on the column.




Any solution ?







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I also have the similar requirement, some data points are very large and some data points are very small. I need to use the logarithmic scale. Have seen your PowerCharts suite but that contains only two swf file for 2D charts, I need to show the charts in 3D. my chart is 3D Column + Line Single Y Combination. I am using MSColumn3DLineDY.swf file. Do you have logarithmic scale in these kind of 3D charts and for normal 3D bar charts?

Thanks for your help in advavce.



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