
same value font color than seriesname color

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I have a new suggestion for your developper team :


The ability to apply the same color as the seriename color to the font values !! It could be particulary useful on radar charts for exemple or on any charts where the values are overlaping.


A property like :

"applySeriesnameColorToValuesFontColor": "1" at chart level object

and may be at dataset level object too ? (apply it only for some but not all for exemple)


I am surprised that isn't implemented yet. (or might be it is done and I didn't find it...)




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We are considering your valuable suggestion and will have internal discussion for the same.


Meanwhile, you can find a sample implementing your required feature in Radar Chart using the adavanced feature of Text Annotations :


As an alternate solution, please check the sample in which, the Text annotation items are updated with the data values and the color for them.


Hope this helps.




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Thanks for the reply.


Yes, the tip (more than a solution) is to use annotations, we already tested :

The texts annotations slow the perfs of the whole dashboard (and I have 2 radars until 5 dataset object in !).


After reflexion, I've decided to tell at my customer that it will not be possible, only because of perfs.




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