
How to place an image as background in the heatmap?

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it is possible in PowerCharts to set an image behind the heatmap as background?

I want to have the image behind the heatmap, not behind the labels. Otherwise it makes no sense.

Because the heatmap must have x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the picture. (not the same labels as in that example.)

example in fiddle

Edited by Grischa

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Hi Ayan,


there have to be some little sqare areas of some coords on the body of this person. Like shown on this picture. The areas must have the size of the neck of this person. So the image is the most important issue, not a design. ;) Every sqare area in the size of the neck have a collection of coordinates.
Polygon-Areas would be the greatest thing, but maybe not with fusionCharts.



Edited by Grischa

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would be just very great, if it was possible to set the picture  not in the labels. Is there anybody who is able to advise me or is that impossible by fusionCharts? 


            "chart": {
                "theme": "fint",
                "toolTipColor" : "#333",
                "toolTipBgColor" : "#FFF",
                "bgImage" : "../bilder/1.gif",
                "bgImageValign" : "middle",
        "alpha" : '30',
        "plotFillAlpha" : '30',
                "showPlotBorder": "1"

The Alpha values don't make picture visible. Have the background-property any sense in the heatmap from fusionCharts?



Edited by Grischa

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Hi Akash,

that is good and useful for me. Thank you very much for this hint. It is possible to set picture also in the center alignment of the heatmap maybe or to set position more right? I did not find something like that in the documentation.




Edited by Grischa

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I am just very happy with Alpha-possibility. The wish would be also to set picture in pixel to the right or button. Maybe is only possible to align by "bgImageValign" or "bgImageHalign". There is no other possibility?

Edited by Grischa

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Yes, you could configure the bgImage using the below set of attributes accordingly.

bgImageHAlign, bgImageVAlign : used to align the image vertically and horizontally, respectively.

bgImageScale : used to increase or decrease the scale of the image.

bgImageDisplayMode : used to specify the mode in which the background image is to be displayed.


Refer to the documentation link :




Edited by Akash Biswas

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